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Increase Sales: Motivational Speaker Robin Jay Shares Tips
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, September 12, 2013


Increase Sales: Motivational Speaker Robin Jay Shares Tips

Increase Sales with Motivational Speaker Robin Jay?s Tips & Techniques

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Motivational Speaker Robin Jay is In Demand ? Especially for Groups that Want to Increase Sales!

If you?re in network marketing, advertising, financial or insurance sales and you want to keep your team of salespeople motivated, the best way is by bringing in a motivational speaker who is an expert sales pro? one who has walked the talk. I?m going to share one of my best tips to increase sales at the end of this blog.

Build Better Relationships to Increase Sales

Before I became a motivational speaker, I enjoyed a lengthy and incredibly successful sales career. Salespeople know how challenging it can be to stay excited about your products, plus they face competition at every turn. That is why knowing how to build relationships for business is the best way to increase sales and stay motivated.

I used to attend every event possible where motivational speakers like sales icon Zig Ziglar would speak. Zig would inspire and motivate sales people from all fields. I would also listen to motivational tapes and CDs when getting ready for my work selling advertising. I?d drop in a CD and listen while putting on my makeup. Sometimes, being self-motivated means knowing who to turn to when you are not really motivated at all!

There is nothing like wanting to increase sales before you even leave the house in the morning! I KNOW it made a difference in how I dealt with clients and prospects and it resulted in my ability to achieve my incredible sales success. I was a leader in my field year after year. In fact, for years after I resigned, I would hear from friends how a sales manager they were talking to would say, ?I wish I had a few ?Robin Jays? on my team.? How?s THAT for a successful sales record?! I think it was because I was such a self-starter and extremely motivated to sell.

Today, I love sharing tips and techniques to increase sales with network marketers and sales teams from every field, as well as with associations and organizations ? from the Oregon Banker?s Association to Hewlett-Packard. In response to some of my suggestions for achieving stellar sales success, I often hear from audience members, ?I never thought of that!? Even since becoming an author and motivational speaker, no longer selling advertising, I credit my ability to build long-lasting and productive relationships with my success as a speaker, author, and filmmaker.

Now for the tip I promised you: Make your clients feel SPECIAL. When was the last time anyone made YOU feel special? A gift, a handwritten thank you note, a bonus? I?m guessing it?s probably been a while, right? Well, the same thing is probably true for your clients as well.

When you call on clients or prospects, do everything you can to make them feel special. If they have a Bronco?s hat on top of their filing cabinet, ask them about ?their team.? Ask them what they did this past weekend. BE INTERESTED in whatever is going on in their life, then listen to their answers. It?s so important that you communicate with them and make them feel like everything that has happened in their lives is incredibly important to you, too. It SHOULD BE! If you don?t feel it?s important to you, then fake it till you make it. But, keep in mind that whatever happens to your clients will affect their mood which will affect how they perceive you and will help them decide whether or not they want to work with you! So, even if you need to know this for purely selfish reasons ? instead of giving from your heart ? you must accept that what happens to them will ultimately touch you ? positively or negatively depending upon how they feel when they are with you! Don?t ever underestimate the power of making people feel special. Doing so can be incredibly rewarding ? personally and financially.

About Robin Jay

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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