Home > NewsRelease > Infertility: It's more than just your ovaries or sperm count- teleseminar
Infertility: It's more than just your ovaries or sperm count- teleseminar
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine
Southfield, MI
Thursday, July 5, 2012


Date: Thursday, July 5, 2012

When: 8 PM EST (www.time.gov)

What: Teleseminar and Webcast

Host: Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD

Guest: Dr. Patrick Flynn, NP, DC

Subject: Infertility: It's More Than Just Your Ovaries or Sperm Count

Thursday, July 5th, 2012 at 8 PM eastern (www.time.gov), I have the pleasure of discussing the "Infertility: It's more than just your ovaries " with Dr. Patrick Flynn.

In 2002, 2 million American women of reproductive age were infertile. Infertility is also common among men. In fact, INFERTILTIY is actually a global issue. Data from the CDC shows that "The desire to have children is powerful and widespread, but for a size able minority it is not easily fulfilled. Challenges to fertility arise from genetic abnormalities, infectious or environmental agents, delayed childbearing, behavior, and certain diseases. Awareness of the potential risks may lead some people to adopting corrective behaviors and maintain fertility. Many people, however, find themselves coping with infertility. "

Treatment for infertility is fairly complex and along with fertility treatment facilities, many have turned to a more holistic approach. Treatment remedies include modalities such as acupuncture, yoga, massage diet/nutrition, herbs, vitamins, counseling/support groups and yes, even laughter therapy (clowning).

Dr. Patrick Flynn is an expert in the area of infertility, and the use of complementary therapies for this rising health concern. We will discuss the ABC's and D's of infertility.

Here are a few of the questions we'll discuss:

Where does the current healthcare system go wrong when dealing with infertility?

Is in vitro the answer?

Is it the same approach for every woman?

Does stress affect a woman's chances of getting pregnant?

How does birth control impact fertility?

To submit your question(s) go to http://conversationswithdrshelbylane.com/ask

Dr. Patrick Flynn is a dynamic, highly sought-out national speaker and author who is revolutionizing healthcare with his unique approach. Dr. Flynn speaks to and consults a wide variety of audiences including, but not limited to medical doctors and various other medical practitioners, naturopathic practitioners, chiropractors, dentists and nutritionists on topics such as functional medicine, hormonal imbalance, digestive disorders, autism spectrum disorders, neurological disorders, detoxification and so much more! Dr. Flynn is passionate about Functional Medicine and strives to help practitioners all over the world through Gear Up, his consulting company that offers turnkey functional medicine tools for practitioners including Functional Assessment Questionnaire Software, Functional Medicine consulting, Social Media Marketing services, books, educational materials, webinars, seminars, and other products as they become available.

To submit your question(s) go to http://conversationswithdrshelbylane.com/ask

If you can't make the call, register anyway and submit your questions in advance. The call will be available for replay for 72 hours.

Invite your friends and family to join us at http://conversationswithdrshelbylane.com

Best of Health,

Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD



P.S. You'll have a chance to ask us your questions directly. You may also submit questions in advance at http://conversationswithdrshelbylane.com/ask

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Name: Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D.
Dateline: ROYAL OAK, MI United States
Direct Phone: 800-584-4926
Main Phone: 800-584-4926
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