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In\nternational Association of Canine Professionals Support Cesar Millan in LA
International Association of Canine Professionals International Association of Canine Professionals
Monday, November 7, 2011

IACP Professionals Join Cesar and Scooby-Doo (Warner Brothers) at Cesar Millan's First National Pack Walk Event in Balboa Park, Los Angeles, California on October 29th, 2011.

Martin Deeley, Executive Director of the IACP received an invitation from Cesar Millan (also an IACP Member) for IACP Members to volunteer as canine professional "go to" folk during his First National Palk Walk Event in Los Angeles.

The members of the IACP accepted the challenge (17 of them total) and joined to help 1,000 dogs and their owners of all shapes and sizes during this first and very successful Pack Walk and Event Day.

Members of IACP were on hand to assist Cesar and advise dog owners on a multitude of questions regarding behavior and their dogs. The IACP Is proud to be the only Association that Cesar recommends and refers dog owners to from his web site.

One very grateful lady was saved from a very wet escapade as a member of the IACP team grabbed her and her dog when her dog took off after a duck in the lake. Following the walk the booth was busy with people and their dogs. Questions ranging from "How do I get my three-year-old yorkie to stop peeing in the house?" to "How do I get my dog to like my boyfriend?" were answered by our IACP Professionals. All part of an IACP Professional's day.

"The whole park became a place to come learn about dogs and communicate with people. It was like Disneyland for dogs. Mutt-i-grees and the International Association of Canine Professionals (with 17 volunteer dog trainers!) were thereā€¦.."

"Warner Brothers and my pal, Scooby-Doo, did an amazing job creating a rewarding, fun-filled day for families and their dogs. There was entertainment, education, and, of course, The Walk! All the proceeds from the event were donated to the Millan foundation to support the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of abused and abandoned dogs."

Quoted from Cesar's Way, A Dog Walk With a Beautiful Purpose, November 2011

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Martin Deeley
Title: Exec Director
Group: International Association of Canine Professionals
Dateline: Montverde, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407 469 5583
Cell Phone: 407 469 5583
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