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Invisible Disabilities Need Our Attention and Understanding Like No Others
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist Dr. Patricia A. Farrell -- Psychologist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Tenafly, NJ
Saturday, August 24, 2024


Subtle differences in behavior and ineptness in social interactions are only some of the overt symptoms of neurodivergent disorders.

Photo by Hiki App on Unsplash

Political conventions do little more than work to bring people together to elect a specific candidate. Still, in 2024, the Democratic National Convention provided an unexpected highlight: neurodivergent disorders. The individual running for the DNC's vice presidential slot, Tim Walz, has a son, Gus, who, standing in the stadium, exclaimed, "That's my dad!"

A young man with a neurodivergent disorder displayed emotion as he jumped up from his seat, tears running down his cheeks; it was nothing less than heart-wrenching. Those who understood cheered him on, and those who didn't took the opportunity to try to bring him down with cutting remarks and foolish comments on blogs and TV sound bites. They paid a price for all that, and one quickly deleted her distasteful blog post after receiving significant blowback.

Famed magazine editor Tina Brown and her husband, Harold Evans, have a son with one of these disorders. She wrote an article in a recent issue of the New York Times in which she revealed one of her son's actions after a party in an upscale area of Long Island. Brown's son, who lives with her at home, is now 38, and rather than seeing him as disabled, it has opened her eyes to his “secret power.”

Brown's son’s secret power, she said, was evident after the Hamptons party when he told the hostess, “Thank you very much. No one spoke to me, really, so it was a very boring evening. The food was OK. I doubt I will come again.” How many of us would be brave enough to have said that after one of these upper-crust power parties? Undoubtedly, few, if any, would dare utter those comments.

What Are Neurodivergent Disorders?

Primarily, we may associate neurodivergent disorders as autism, but it encompasses far more. Since the word was coined in 1943, researchers have been conducting an explosion of studies on autism. A developmental disorder now recognized as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by restricted and repetitive interests or behaviors as well as impaired social communication abilities.

More and more studies are shedding light on ASD, a complicated illness, providing information for all. Professionals and parents can benefit from a comprehensive awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by reading up on topics, including the disorder’s prevalence, its connections to hereditary factors, successful parent programs, and treatment options.

Some estimates put the prevalence of neurodiversity among adults at 8% worldwide. When people talk about neurodiversity, they usually mean a combination of conditions like dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It is problematic for employers because these diagnoses are on the rise among adults already working. When faced with neurodivergent personnel, business owners may ask how they can best help their staff without negatively affecting the company.

Should we say "on the rise in adults," or is it that the disorder is now being recognized as never before because it was an invisible disorder? Now, we are identifying more individuals with the disorders we previously failed to diagnose, and it's not just about recognition but also about being willing to assist them with their needs in society.

The Disorders Under This Umbrella Term

How many neurodiverse disorders exist, and can an individual have more than one? Without a doubt, mental health professionals can diagnose individuals with multiple mental health disorders, so it would seem reasonable that anyone with one of these disorders could also have more than one. The list is long and some of the disorders are not often diagnosed.

Neurodivergent individuals may have some of the following symptoms:

Asperger’s syndrome is now part of the autism spectrum.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)

DiGeorge syndrome
Down syndrome
Dyscalculia is a problem with numbers
Dysgraphia, a disorder of writing
Dyslexia is a reading disability
Dyspraxia with motor control issues
Problems with cognition
Mental health issues such as bipolar disorder, OCD, and others
Prader-Willi syndrome
Difficulties with processing sensory information
Social anxiety
Syndrome of tremors
Williams syndrome (WS)

Additionally, researchers have recently discovered that eating disorders should be included in the listing of neurodivergent ones.

Diagnosis, Treatment and Information

The diagnosis is often made by a mental health professional, where an individual may have been referred by either a pediatrician or other medical professional who has noted special needs in this individual.

In neurodiversity, the emphasis is not on “dysfunctions” or “deficits,” but on utilizing an individual’s distinct strengths to compensate for their weaknesses and assist them in adjusting to their surroundings, be it at home, in the classroom, or on the job.

Individuals with neurodiversity may require individualized support to achieve their goals. Changes to the classroom setting, such as allowing students to use noise-canceling headphones, increasing opportunities for mobility, or granting students additional time to complete tests, may be necessary.

A neurodivergent test is a battery of questions designed to ascertain whether an individual’s brain operates in a neurotypical fashion. Although the patient can do some of these tests at home, only a doctor’s examination can definitively identify a neurodivergent disorder.

Neurodivergent exams are mostly used for educational purposes. Seeking further information from a medical expert would be helpful for individuals who obtain high scores on neurodivergent tests.

There are many resources available online that will direct individuals to information on neurodivergent disorders, and they include:

Raising Children Net (Australia)

Children’s Health Council

American Autism Center


ChildMind Institute

Association for Autism and Neurodiversity

Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee


LD Resources Foundation

Autism Speaks

This is not an all-inclusive list; others may be found online. When searching, please keep in mind that some of the offerings may be privately owned facilities or practices, not no-profit groups that provide information and direction for parents.

Website: www.drfarrell.net

Author's page: http://amzn.to/2rVYB0J

Medium page: https://medium.com/@drpatfarrell

Twitter: @drpatfarrell

Attribution of this material is appreciated.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D.
Title: Licensed Psychologist
Group: Dr. Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., LLC
Dateline: Tenafly, NJ United States
Cell Phone: 201-417-1827
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