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Invisible Gardeners Magical Compost Tea
Andy Lopez  - Organic Gardening Expert Andy Lopez - Organic Gardening Expert
Malibu, CA
Sunday, July 27, 2014


Invisible Gardener's Magical Elixir for your Garden

I always try to explain to folks what it is that I do especially when it comes to spraying. I like to tell folks that all that I am doing is replenishing the soil with the living microbes  that makes the soil / plants work together so well. Because I am a Genius, I am also providing these microbes with the minerals they eat. The way it is supposed to work is that the soil has its own microbes that eat minerals which is available to the plants thru root hairs. 


The poop of the bacteria is the food of the plants.


If the soil is missing either the microbes or the minerals, the plant(s) will suffer from mineral deficiency and it will have a low Brix level. This will trigger pests to attack it. It will also increase diseases (pests usually are vectors (carriers) of many diseases.

Not all microbes are the same nor do they do they same thing. There are good guys and bad guys. What we want of course are the good ole boys of the soil.

After many years of learning for myself what works and what doesn't , I have managed to find out how to get these good ole boys to work for me in my garden.

The first time I made compost, I also made compost tea shorty after that. Everyone makes compost so it is not be hard to find a good living compost. The compost you buy in plastic bags is not alive. It is sterilized. So you can use all of this type of compost forever and still not bring into your soil the good guys needed by the soil and plants.

Thats why we make compost in the first place, to reintroduce the good ole boys back into the soil. When you make compost you really are providing an environment for these good ole boys to thrive in. Normally, the compost you make should be rich in both microbes  as well as rich in minerals and that means party time for the good ole boys. They will eat the minerals and provide a nutrient rich soil that the plants can then absorb thru their roots via root hairs which are located all along their root system. Chemical fertilizers especially Urea, destroys these root hairs and this stops the flow of minerals from soil to plant.


So besides making compost, making compost tea is the best way to reintroduce the good ole boys as well as minerals back to the soil and to the plants. By making compost tea, you are making a liquid that when sprayed onto your plants , will be absorbed by the plants through their leaves. This tea will be rich in that special nutrient that the microbes make and when absorbed into the plants in this way, the minerals are available immediately and go directly to what area of the plant they function best with.


Natural has set up this great relationship not only  between soil and plants but also between plants and insects. Both have evolved over time to the point where insects know when the plants are low in minerals and thus food for the insects. Insects need minerals too but they process it differently then plants as humans need minerals also but they too process it very differently. Try eating rock dust sometime and you will see what I mean. 


 Andy Lopez

Invisible Gardener

Any questions? Email me andy@invisiblegardener.com response next article

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Name: Andy Lopez
Group: Invisible Gardener Inc
Dateline: Malibu, CA United States
Direct Phone: 1-310-457-4438
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