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Is Easy the Right Goal? – Remarkable TV
The Kevin Eikenberry Group The Kevin Eikenberry Group
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, November 8, 2022


A life of ease. Leaning back on your couch, enjoying a favorite activity, working to learn something so it becomes easy for you to live in your comfort zone. This all sounds so very good. And yet, is that goal the goal that serves us best: to just get to where it all becomes easy?

To answer that, let’s start by asking a few additional questions.

When are you at your best?
Are you at your best when it’s easy? Or are you at your best when you’re being pushed? Or are you at your best when you’re being challenged, when your comfort zone is something you can remember rather than feel?

I would submit to you that if you want to be at your best, to perform at your best, and to create at your best, you must remember the following things.

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Tweet it out: Easy is seductive, but being pushed to the edge of our comfort helps us perform, grow and create far more effectively. @KevinEikenberry

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Name: Kevin Eikenberry
Title: Chief Potential Officer
Group: The Kevin Eikenberry Group
Direct Phone: 317-387-1424
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