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Is Paper Making You Sick?
Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance Barbara Hemphill - Productivity Consultant, Work Life Balance
Raleigh, NC
Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Ninety percent of doctor's visits are stress related. While getting more organized may not sound like a health solution, studies show clutter — especially paper — can lead to higher stress levels.

"Paper forces you to deal with guilt and other negative emotions," explains Barbara Hemphill, who pioneered the field of professional organizing more than 30 years ago. "It's a reminder that you didn't do that activity, you're not reading that magazine, you forgot to RSVP to that event."

"Getting organized" is always on the top 10 resolutions for the upcoming new year.

"As with many resolutions, people try but later feel as though they can't complete what they set out to do," Hemphill said. "But if paper or other clutter is causing negative emotions in your life — literally making you sick or stressed — it's time to find a way. You'll not only cut back on stress and doctor's visits, but you can even cut costs by getting rid of that extra storage space."

Hemphill's book, "Organizing Paper @Home: What to Toss and How to Find the Rest!" is a how-to guide for organizing papers, photos, to-do lists, the calendar, the to-read pile and more. Hemphill is offering a special 15 percent holiday discount on the book for those resolving to get organized in 2015.

"People usually blame themselves for their paper clutter, but the real problem is simply the lack fo a SYSTEM (Saving You Space Time Energy Money!)" she said.

Her book is available for all e-reading devices through Smashwords at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/98938. (Coupon code: SM93C.) Paper copies are available through Lulu.


About Barbara Hemphill
Frequently referred to as “The Paper Tiger Lady,” Barbara Hemphill started her company in 1978 with a $7 ad in a New York City newspaper. She now offers other women the same opportunity that she had: a business of their own with lucrative income and flexible hours doing something they love as a Certified Productive Environment Specialist.

Barbara’s passion is helping people eliminate physical, digital, emotional and spiritual clutter so everyone can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. Her books include Taming the Paper Tiger, Simplify Your Workday, Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever, and Organizing Paper @Home: What to Toss and How to Find the Rest, and Less Clutter More Life.

Spanning a 35-year career on the cutting edge of what USA Today called a billion dollar industry, Barbara has appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America, in Reader's Digest, USA Today, The New York Times, Real Simple, and Guideposts magazine. Learn more at barbarahemphill.com.

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Name: Barbara Hemphill
Dateline: Raleigh, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-349-9247
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