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Is Trade Association or Professional Society Membership Still Relevant?
Ed Rigsbee, The Member ROI Guy - Author, The ROI of Membership Ed Rigsbee, The Member ROI Guy - Author, The ROI of Membership
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Association executives will gather for the day on March 12, 2015 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park to discuss this pressing issue. There are over 100,000 international, national, regional, state, and local associations and societies in the United States…all dealing with the same issue…remaining relevant by delivering excellent return on investment to their members.

Associations and societies are starting to realize that 12 magazines and an annual meeting each year are not enough to compel or influence membership. Today's members are demanding much more. They are demanding a reasonable return on their membership dollar in more areas than magazines, meetings, and advocacy. Member ROI is today's driving force and on March 12, 2015, association and society executives will be exploring the ideas put forth in the recently released book titled, The ROI of Membership-Today's Missing Link for Explosive Growth by Ed Rigsbee, CAE.

Print, broadcast, and electronic media will receive complementary attendance. Request through ed@rigsbee.com

Event information: http://www.rigsbee.com/2015-March-DC_ROI_Summit.htm

Rigsbee Research, 1746 Calle Yucca, Suite 200, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360


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Name: Ed Rigsbee, CAE, CSP
Title: President
Group: Rigsbee Research
Dateline: Thousand Oaks, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-444-0957
Main Phone: 805-498-5720
Cell Phone: 805-444-0957
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