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Is the Incoming Speaker of the House a Girlie Man?
Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach
Akron, OH
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First in the 1988 Presidential election, and then again in 1992, Arnold Schwarzenegger used the term Girlie Men. He used it to describe those politicians he saw as weak. What would he say to the incoming speaker of the house?

John Boehner cried his way through both election night and a 60 Minute interview with Lesley Stahl.

We don't know what the Gover-nator would say about his crying jags. To John Boehner I would say Man Up.

I can cry watching re-runs of Lassie. But I'm not third in line as the leader of the free world. Can you imagine the Taliban using clips of a crying Boehner as recruitment footage? The copy could read, "are we afraid of the U.S.?" How would that footage play to the President of Russia or Iran during nuclear negotiations?

The Ohio Congressman does not just cry. He is victim of the ugly cry.

In 1972 tears led to the downfall of Presidential contender Ed Muskie,

" he suddenly became emotional and found it difficult to continue.'

The screen was filled with Muskie's face, his features contorted.

We have made progress when 40 years later a cry does not end a career.

But when is a cry still a cry? Can you cry and not be a GIRLIE MAN?

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Name: Leslie Ungar
Title: President
Group: Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Akron, OH United States
Direct Phone: 330-668-6569
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