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Israel Can’t Exist without Total Outside Help
Author U -- Judith Briles Author U -- Judith Briles
Denver, CO
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Israel Can’t Exist without Total Outside Help
For Immediate Release        
Contact: Kathy Schultz                                                               

Israel Can't Exist without Total Outside Help

September 2024. Denver, Colo. With the on-going conflicts in the Middle east, The Bystander by Katherine Burlake is set in Saudi Arabia. Itis a must read. The start of the current conflict, the attack by Hamas on Oct 6th, was because of a fear the Saudi Arabia and Isreal were very close to an agreement on commerce and educational exchanges.

For decades, Saudi, Isreal, and Egypt have exchanged information over the Negev Desert. Located in the southern part of the country, it is known for its rocky terrain and dry climate.

She has personally traveled this desert three times and can say, "Nothing lives in this desert. The ability to live and exist there without total government support is an illusion."

The books Burlake writes incorporate the culture she's lived in and know so well. The Bystander is set in Saudi Arabia where she lived and worked for five years for the U.S. Embassy. Because of her background. She writes as Katherine Burlake.


Press Inquiries: Kathy Schultz, kathyschultz618@yahoo.com or 303-953-2030

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Judith Briles
Title: Chief Visionary Officer - CEO
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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