Jan McInnis, keynote speaker and professional comedian, presented her acclaimed session, Finding the Funny in Change, this week at the annual conference for school business officials. Her presentation offered a much-needed break from a day of content-heavy professional development sessions, leaving attendees with valuable insights and a renewed sense of humor.
"Our group of school business officials had the pleasure of having Jan McInnis for our keynote speaker at our annual conference," said one attendee. "Her presentation on Finding the Funny in Change was exactly what we needed after a day of attending content-heavy professional development sessions. Change can often feel overwhelming and frustrating, especially in our world of school business operations, where policies, budgets, and expectations are constantly shifting. Jan engaged the audience with her humor and energy and reminded us with a few key pointers that embracing change and hard times with a sense of humor can make all the difference."
McInnis, who has over 25 years of experience in both comedy and keynote speaking, uses humor as a tool to help organizations navigate change. By sharing personal stories and relatable experiences, she helps individuals reframe their mindset, encouraging them to approach difficult situations with a lighter heart.
Her session resonated with the audience of school business professionals who often face rapidly evolving demands in their roles. With a focus on embracing humor as a coping mechanism and a communication tool, McInnis provided practical tips to manage stress, adapt to change, and cultivate resilience.
McInnis is known for her engaging and entertaining speaking style, combining her expertise in comedy with her deep understanding of how humor can influence professional environments. Her session left attendees not only laughing but also feeling empowered with unique ways to handle change.
For more information on Jan McInnis' keynote presentations, visit TheWorkLady.com or contact her at Jan@TheWorkLady.com
About Jan McInnis
Jan McInnis is an accomplished keynote speaker, comedian, and author with over 25 years of experience. Her dynamic presentations, including her popular keynote Finding the Funny in Change, are designed to inspire, entertain, and equip audiences with the tools they need to embrace change and improve communication.
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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