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Janice Litvin Wellness Expert to Speak about Outdoor Meetings
Janice Litvin -- Wellness Speaker Janice Litvin -- Wellness Speaker
San Francisco, CA
Monday, September 7, 2020

Janice Litvin Speaks


Contact:  Janice S. Litvin 415.518.2202


Janice Litvin Wellness Expert to Speak about Outdoor Meetings

Meetings Today Webinar

"Natural Settings Improve Meetings Performance"

Sponsored by The Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel VCB

September 9, 2020

(San Francisco, CA) Janice Litvin, Bay Area workplace wellness speaker and author, founder of Bay Area Wellness Association, is invited to present a Zoom webinar on behalf of Meetings Today and sponsored by The Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel VCB on September 9th 10:00 am PDT. All are welcome, free of charge.

During Covid-19 the one place you can go is outside. In this one-hour program Litvin will give scientific evidence, laced with stories to prove that meetings can proceed safely.

Research shows that spending time outdoors enhances many mind-body functions including mood, productivity, and alertness, not to mention the immune system. During these difficult times of the Covid-19 era the meetings industry has taken a hit. Now, The Beaches of Fort Myers and Sanibel VCB has created socially-distanced meetings by taking advantage of the year round Florida sun.

Like many businesses, the meetings industry has had to pivot. Some have created smaller meetings while others have combined the best of two worlds. This means they have designed a hybrid meeting format, where there is a combination of in-person and virtual presentations. In order to uphold CDC standards of social distancing, meals and meetings are being held outdoors.

On top of that spending time outdoors enhances meetings by creating a more productive, yet happy and more relaxed atmosphere.

According to the Community Research and Development Information Service of the EU, sunlight causes our brains to produce serotonin, a hormone that can improve mood by alleviating pain, providing energy and making us feel happy and well-rested. Sunlight also produces endorphins, otherwise known as the "feel-good hormone." 

Janice Litvin works with leaders and teams to banish burnout in their organizations. Her new book, Banish Burnout Toolkit™ due out September 21st, teaches people how to remove the tangles from their past to create a healthier, happier, more productive lifestyle today.

All are welcome free of charge to this important webinar, and meeting industry attendees will receive one Continuing Education Unit from the Events Industry Council's Site Management Design Domain of the CMP or CMP-HC Standards.

Register here: https://www.meetingstoday.com/news-events/event-details/itemid/4243.

More information about The Beaches at Fort Myers and Sanibel can be found at: https://www.fortmyers-sanibel.com.

To learn more Janice Litvin's Workplace Wellness and Stress Management programs visit https://www.JaniceLitvin.com, and her book, Banish Burnout Toolkit™ visit https://www.JaniceLitvin.com/book.

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Name: Janice Litvin
Title: Professional Speaker
Group: Janice Litvin Speaks
Dateline: Walnut Creek, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415-518-2202
Cell Phone: 415-518-2202
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