Monday, May 31, 2021
What did Jim Garrison say or write on Rose Cherami? Here is an excerpt from his Playboy Magazine interview of October 1967:
Garrison mangles the story. He claims a hospital attendant took notes of Cherami's remarks, but that is not true. There was nothing in Cherami's files about any comments on the assassination. Cherami didn't check out of the hospital - she was taken out by Lt. Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police. He took her to Houston to help investigate her tip on narcotics - not her supposed foreknowledge of the JFK assassination.
There is no mention of Rose Cherami in A Heritage of Stone, or in On The Trail of The Assassins. I guess he reconsidered the story and felt it was not important. Or untrue.
Serious researchers are also abandoning the Rose Cherami story. Anthony Summers sent an email to several researchers in March 2017:
"I had not until now seen Dave's [David Reitzes] take on the Cherami matter, and am very impressed by it. As I wrote a couple of days ago [in another email], my misgivings on the subject were sufficient to drop it from the 2013 edition of my book on the case -- it had previously been only a footnote.
My continuing interest in the episode had been sustained especially by Dr. Weiss' comment as to what Dr. Bowers had told him. Absent any interview with Bowers -- that I knew of - what Weiss said seemed to sustain the possibility that there was something to the overall story. Now that we have Bowers' account, that possibility seems to evaporate. I now lean towards the likelihood that - though Francis Frugé appeared forthright during his conversations with me -- he too may have fabricated or at least garbled.
I think the Cherami episode should now be consigned to the junk pile - as a red herring that one could well do without."
And Larry Hancock posted the following on the Education Forum:
"As it turns out given the information available it seems very unlikely that Rose actually heard anymore than some general gossip that was running through certain networks out of Miami. Its unlikely the two men with her had anything to do with the conspiracy and very unlikely that they were Arcacha Smith or Santana."
Anthony Summers is right - it's time to put the Cherami story in the junk pile.