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Joining Forces: Local Businesses Spread 'Bliss' to Moms and Military Spouses
National Association of Military Moms and Spouses National Association of Military Moms and Spouses
Washington, DC
Monday, October 17, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Lori R. Bell, 1-888-964-8222, lori@nammas.org

Joining Forces: Local Businesses Help

Spread 'Bliss' To Military Moms and Spouses

Honoring Veterans, those who serve, and the families that hold them together

National Harbor, Washington DC- October 17, 2011- When First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden issued the call for America to support military families, the country sat up and took notice.  In National Harbor, local businesses are helping moms of service members and military spouses take a 'bliss break' by providing an exclusive by-invitation only shopping experience.  Charming Charlie, the Harbor's chic accessories boutique, is partnering with National Association of Military Moms and Spouses (NAMMAS) and is the venue for the organization's Bag, Beauty and Bliss Boutique.

On Veteran's Day, NAMMAS wanted to sponsor a fun, exciting event for its members and supporters.  "We wanted to celebrate our members and honor veterans by offering something fun, out of the ordinary for military themed functions, and doing something that would appeal to women.  What better way to do that than shopping, and especially shopping for accessories," says Lori Bell, founder of NAMMAS.

Charming Charlie was an easy venue to host the event, providing atmosphere, ambience and the convenience of the area's flagship harbour.  Guests can expect door prizes and giveaways, a private shopping experience, grand prize drawings, and even a 20% discount on all purchases.  Harbour business are joining in the fun as they provide various prizes and favors for attendees.  The Bliss Boutique is a fundraiser for NAMMAS, with proceeds contributing to upgrades for the site and additional programs and activities.  Members and friends of NAMMAS can enjoy this event for a low ticket cost of only $5.  To purchase a ticket, visit the NAMMAS Events page at www.nammas.org.

National Association of Military Moms and Spouses is the premier online support network for moms of service members and spouses.  Founded in September 2009 with only 7 members, today, thousands of women depend on NAMMAS for the roadmap to help navigate military lifestyle.  The network is known as the "support bra" of the military community, because as they say, "when life gets tough, we hold you up and together!" For information about NAMMAS, and to claim a free membership, visit www.nammas.org.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Lori R. Bell
Title: Founder/CEO
Group: National Association of Military Moms and Spouses
Dateline: National Harbor, MD United States
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