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“Keep me in the loop” a.k.a. “Please talk to me”
Todd Cohen - Building Sales Culture Todd Cohen - Building Sales Culture
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA
Monday, June 23, 2014

It’s no secret that I  hate (sales) cliches and “keep me in the loop” is a BIG cliche that crosses multiple boundaries.  However this one makes me think because there is an interesting subtext to it. To me  its a nice way of saying ” would you please take a minute and let me know what’s going on?”  Essentially what  I think people are truly looking for is not to be left in the dark when they are involved in something that is meaningful to them.  An accountant trying to get information from a client so he can finish their return or a database programmer who needs information from a colleague to finish her work are two examples that come to mind.  In other words” please don’t leave me hanging here…tell me yes or no or something – just communicate with me”.  Keep me in the loop means keeping me informed and in turn you get the mist from me.
On recent example was something that I encountered – and one that will ring true with almost anyone.  I was introduced via email a high ranking executive at a company that I wanted to establish a relationship with.  he responded immediately and we agreed to schedule a call.  Then…nothing.  Crickets.  Radio Silence.  All attempts to reconnect were met with more silence.  Now, I know people are busy and I always assume positive intent.  So here is the email I wrote:
You may recall that we were.connected via email about a month ago and you were kind enough to respond and suggest that I be in touch to set a call.  I just wanted to follow up and let you know I have tried to reach you a few times to schedule the call as you kindly suggested.  I am sure it is just that we are all so busy!  I get it, hence my direct note to you. 
I know you are barraged by people looking to connect all the time ? I am as well.    In short my message about building a sales culture has resonated very well in a number of verticals like yours and numerous others I am in active conversations with.  It is not sales training ? it is about how we all sell every day, how everyone impacts the customer and the more we build a sales culture the bigger the deals are. The more we recognize that fact the better the company and the people of the company will be. That?s my belief and I that is what my keynotes and workshops are based on.
Yes I admit that I am trying to have a conversation that longer term just might end up with me selling you something!  We all have something to sell and I won?t apologize and neither should anyone else. Every day you are faced with how to sell your projects, goals and needs to the bank.  
 If we can schedule something in the coming weeks that would be great.   Either way, I wish you the very best in success.
 With respect,
 Todd Cohen
The result?  An email with in 5 minutes and a phone call to set the meeting.   The moral of the story:
  1. Don’t apologize for selling
  2. Be direct, respectful and humble
  3. Be ready to “fire a prospect” and walk away if need be
  4. ASK to be (ahem) “kept in the loop” – or just to talk to me and let me know whats up!
  5. Assume positive intent.  We are all over connected and balancing to much, so be patient and be direct
I hope you enjoyed this story and can apply it – both as someone who is in control of communicating and wanting to be communicate with!
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Name: Todd Cohen
Group: SalesLeader LLC
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 866-515-9445
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