Authors: Larry andRosemary Mild
Publisher ?: ? MagicIsland Literary Works
ISBN-13 ? : ?979-8986386409
“As they cruised throughmiles of countryside dotted with lavender and poppies, a subduedKatcha noted a small pasture with a single grazing cow. It struck achord of sadness for her. Departure meant permanent family separationand loneliness for both mother and daughter.”
When Kent Brunker iscaught by the Russian police and imprisoned in the Ural mountains, hewonders if his life is over. But before long, fate, and loveintervene to change everything for him.
The year is 1992. Threeyears after the fall of the Berlin wall. America decides to send asecret agent over to plant a spy bug in the office of a Russiangeneral. Kent is that agent, but despite his years of expertise, hemakes a mistake when leaving the office and gets caught by theRussians.
Kent is sent straight toprison with no trial of any kind and it is there that he begins toplan out his escape. By using the clothes of a stable hand, Kentslips away and starts off on foot through the mountains, alone andwith no idea where to go next.
However, he soon finds acafe where a waitress named Katcha serves him, and the two feel animmediate connection to each other. Katcha discovers that she hasbeen developing deep feelings for Kent and that she wishes to returnwith him to America, but the trip will not be easy and she knowsthis.
'Kent and Katcha:Espionage, Spycraft, Romance,' is a surprising and stunning tale frommasters of historical fiction, Larry and Rosemary Mild. This is thesecond book from this writing couple that I have read, and I think mylove for their writing is only getting stronger!
This is a great read forlovers of historical fiction and all readers alike!
About Larry and RosemaryMild
Award winning authorsLarry and Rosemary coauthor mystery, suspense, and fantasy novels andshort stories: The Paco and Molly Mysteries; The Dan andRivka Sherman Mysteries; 2 Hawaii suspense/thrillers; a sci-finovella; a historical novel (new); and four collections of shortstories.
They are members ofMystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, the National League ofAmerican Pen Women, and Hawaii Fiction Writers.
Making their home inHonolulu, Hawaii, in a condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean, theyrelish time with their daughter and grandchildren. Rosemary’spopular personal essays include her new book IN MY NEXT LIFE I’LLGET IT RIGHT. She is a former assistant editor of Harper’sMagazine. To learn more about themselves and their books, pleasevisit their Website:
From Kent and Katcha:Espionage, Spycraft, Romance

By Larry and Rosemary Mild
A Page in Katcha’s Diary
Wednesday, August 19th,1992
Dear Diary. We didn’tget much sleep last night. Kent’s napping beside me now.
He snores, but I don’tmind. It gives me a little time to write. We’re on this bus to St. Petersburg.
The rideis bumpy. I can hardly read my scribbles. The next rest stop is Tikhvin, 220 milesaway!
As much as I try, I can’t sleep in the daylight, or maybe it’s because Ihave so much confusion.
Kent heard me sniffling and dried the tears from my cheekswith those coarse paper towels. \
I need answers and he keeps putting me off. Says“Later” or “This isn’t the place” or “I haven’t decided yet.”
He promises he’ll neverabandon me, but what does that mean? He has a dangerous career and loves it. Hesays, “It’s what I do, what I’ve always wanted to do since I
was a kid. It’s what I’mtrained for. I like living on a high—taking risks and beating the odds. And I’llbe gone most of the time.”
Even if he takes me toAmerica, what if he won’t marry me? Where will I settle?
How will I earn my living?I have no work skills, except waiting tables in Mama’s cafe. I love Kent, buteven if we do marry, where will we live?
At his family farm in Iowa?
What’s in Iowabesides cows and pigs and corn?
I won’t be the helplesslittle woman sitting at home wringing my hands over where he is and if he’s introuble. I want to go to culinary school.
Own a café like Mama’s and serve special Russiandishes, and English dishes too that I she taught me.
I have no future in Russiaand Mama knows it. She gave up so much to leave England and marry Papa.
She was only nineteen and naïve about Russian life. She wants more of a life forme than she has. She helped us leave.
Our whole trip was her idea. It was reallyclever of her to give Kent Papa’s papers so he’d have a
Russian identity. PoorPapa. All he did was speak his mind at a meeting and he got thrown in prison.
I have shivers. I’mlooking at that man sitting across the aisle from us. His name is Dimitri something. He’sup to no good. He might even be a policeman.
He was in that café we stopped inlast night. I saw him staring at Kent.
I’ll stop whining now,Dear Diary. I’ll wait ’til we get to St. Petersburg and find a quiet place for us totalk. If he’ll talk.
©Larry and Rosemary Mild