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Kerry Thornley on Oswald right after Assassination
Fred Litwin - Author of On the Trail of Delusion - Jim Garrison--The Great Accuser Fred Litwin - Author of On the Trail of Delusion - Jim Garrison--The Great Accuser
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Ottawa, Ontario
Monday, April 5, 2021


Here is an article from the New Orleans States-Item from November 27, 1963. Had Kerry Thornley seen Oswald in New Orleans in September 1963, he would have mentioned it, no? He sure seemed anxious to talk about Oswald.

Garrison would go and charge Kerry Thornley with perjury for denying he had met Oswald in New Orleans in September 1963. They only overlapped for about three weeks in New Orleans and Oswald wasn't known to frequent bars in the French Quarter (where they supposedly met). I am sure that, had they met, Thornley would have been super interested in learning more about Oswald defection to the Soviet Union, and his subsequent return to the United States.

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