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Kevin Schewe’s ‘Bad Love Medicine’ Starts the New Year with Silver Literary Titan Book Award

‘Bad Love Medicine’ Garnered 4th Book Award

Jasper,  Indiana—Kevin Schewe kicked off 2022 by winning a Silver Literary Titan Book Award for Bad Love Medicine, the fourth book in his critically acclaimed Bad Love sci-fi adventure series. According to their website, the Literary Titan Book Awards are for  "books that have astounded and amazed us with unique writing styles, vivid worlds, complex characters, and original ideas. These books deserve extraordinary praise and we are proud to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and imagination of these talented authors."

The three previous awards for Bad Love Medicine are as follows: One from The Historical Fiction Company, an award in the Young Adult category at the Southern California Book Festival and an International Book Impact Award in the same category with the addendum of Excellence for Book Content Quality.

Kevin Schewe's Bad Love books definitely fit into the Literary Titan Book Award criteria of "vivid worlds, complex characters and original ideas." First, there are the primary and teritiary members of the Bad  Love Gang; they are indeed a group of "complex" teenage heroes with genius abilities, bravery beyond compare, loyalty to a fault and a keen sense of their place history. Second, there are the "vivid worlds" of alien planets and their fascainting inhabitants and technology. Third, there are "original ideas" to be found around every corner with unlikely twists and turns from the battlefields of World War II to Cold War espionage of the 1970s; from dinosaur filled forests of alien planets to the nuclear bomb laboraties of the United States, Nazi Germany and beyond.

In Bad Love Medicine the Gang make a just in time voyage from an alien planet in an effort to reunite a love-struck couple, this while saving one from a deadly disease in the future (wrap your head around that). At the same time, they must prevent Hitler and the Nazis from creating a time machine of their own. They battle Russian agents in the 1970s, Nazi soldiers and scientists in the 1940s and make friends with aliens from another planet.

"These stories just come to life in such an organic way," says Schewe. "They combine my childhood memories with my love of history, music, military aviation, WWII, science fiction and time travel." Whether you're a history aficionado, a time-travel buff, a sci-fi lover, or are just in need of a fun book to cheer you up, Bad Love Medicine is the adventure you've been waiting for.

In Bad Love Strikes, the Gang discovered The White Hole Project, a time machine created by Albert Einstein at the request of President Franklin Roosevelt in case the atomic bomb failed. In the exciting sequel, Bad Love Tigers, the gang used the White Hole Project to travel back to 1945 to thwart Russian spies and protect the secrets of Area 51. In Bad Love Beyond, the gang traveled not just through time but through space as well to learn the reason behind Blue Nova One's mysterious visit to earth.

Other awards the books have won are the Wishing Shelf Red Ribbon Winner, Literary Titan Silver Book Award, NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, AMI Indie Book Awards, and an eLit Award to name a few.

"Skillful writing (both historical and fantastical), a zesty sense of humor, an appreciation for pop culture, and the ability to create memorably entertaining characters combine to make this an immensely impressive novel—and experience! Very highly recommended."Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 Reviewer, 5-Stars

"If history was taught this way in school, everyone would be a scholar and educating ourselves not only about our accomplishments but the horrors of the past that should awaken and give insight to the path of a better future. A rare gem!" —David Holladay, MD, 5-Stars

Watch the exciting book trailers at https://bit.ly/BadLoveStrikes-Trailer or https://bit.ly/BadLoveTigers_Trailer or https://bit.ly/BadLoveBeyondTrailer or https://bit.ly/BadLoveMedicineTrailer


About Kevin Schewe: Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO, is a board-certified cancer specialist who has been in the private practice of radiation oncology for over 34 years. He is an entrepreneur, having founded Elite Therapeutics and Bad Love Cosmetics Company, LLC.

A long-time history buff, Schewe is the author of the Bad Love Book Series, a young adult sci-fi adventure that spans much of early 20th century history. You can connect with Kevin Schewe through his website KevinSchewe.com or via Instagram @realkevinschewe.

Bad Love Medicine, ASIN: B098TN6GKC, Broken Crow Ridge Publishing, July 6, 2021, available on Amazon and www.jancarolpublishing.com in ebook and paperback, 258 pages.

Media Contact: For a review copy of Bad Love Medicine, or previous books in the series, or to arrange an interview with Dr. Kevin Schewe, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Reach Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist.

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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