Hollywood, CA—Kevin Schewe's Bad Love Strikes, screenplay—based on the first of four novels in the Bad Love Gang book series, has started 2025 with a bang by winning multiple awards at the prestigious Hollywood Hype International Film Festival. The film adaptation of 'Bad Love Strikes' has not only won the Awards for Best Feature Script and Best Sci-Fi Script but also secured a spot as a Finalist for Best Script/Screenplay.
The unique, historically accurate and action-packed, time-travel Bad Love Series has set the international screenplay circuit ablaze with literally hundreds of screenplay awards in 2023-2024 and has started 2025 in the most proper fashion with this new distinction. Dr. Schewe expressed his gratitude, saying, "This award is recognition of the energy and creativity involved in bringing Bad Love Strikes to life. We are thrilled and honored to receive these awards and look forward to many more successes and unforgettable moments in Hollywood. The Bad Love Series intellectual portfolio of books/screenplays is a Hollywood tentpole franchise for the ages."
Besides these newest awards from the Hollywood Hype International Film Festival, The Bad Love series has taken the world by storm with well-over 400 international screenplay awards. It has won awards at Cannes World Film Festival, Madrid Arthouse Film Festival, Rome International Movie Awards, New York International Film Awards, and The Los Angeles Movie Awards, to name a few. 'Bad Love Strikes' Screenplay finished 2024 with several other notable awards including Best Feature Script at Cannes Art Film Festival in France; Best Feature Screenplay and Best Pilot Series at CineVista Oasis Film Awards in Jakarta, Indonesia; Golden Award for Best Feature Script at the New York Movie Awards; Best Feature Script and Best Sci-Fi Script at the Zeal International Film Festival in Paris and Best Web/Series/Pilot Script at the prestigious Golden Pen Script Awards.
"These stories have come to life in such an organic way," says Schewe. "They combine my lifetime of friendships and memories with my love of pop culture, 60's-80's music, WWII history and military aviation, science fiction and time travel. Whether you're a history aficionado, a time-travel buff, a sci-fi lover, or are just in need of a fun book series to cheer you up, the Bad Love Gang series is the adventure you've been waiting for."
"Skillful writing (both historical and fantastical), a zesty sense of humor, an appreciation for pop culture, and the ability to create memorably entertaining characters combine to make this an immensely impressive novel—and experience! Very highly recommended." —Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 Reviewer, 5-Stars
Be sure to watch the exciting book trailers for the Bad Love series: https://bit.ly/BadLoveStrikes-Trailer and https://bit.ly/BadLoveTigers_Trailer and https://bit.ly/BadLoveBeyondTrailer.
About Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO: Dr. Kevin Schewe is a board-certified cancer specialist who has been in the private practice of radiation oncology for over 37 years. Join 79K followers of Schewe on Instagram @realkevinschewe and discover all of his books at https://kevinschewe.com/.
Media Contact: Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or 734-667-2090.