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Kevin Schewe’s ‘Bad Love Tigers’ Screenplay Wins Best Original Screenplay at Rome International Movie Awards

Kevin Schewe’s ‘Bad Love Tigers’ Screenplay Wins Best Original Screenplay at Rome International Movie Awards

Jasper, Indiana—Kevin Schewe's Bad Love Tigers won Best Original Screenplay Award at the Rome International Movie Awards. Free from masks and mandates, movie lovers are heading to the movies in droves and Schewe's carefully crafted stories are a perfect vehicle to lift the spirits of audiences from teenagers to seasoned adults. Heroism, history, fun and sci-fi fantasy are crafted together in manner which finds one emotionally attached to loyal and brilliant Bad Love Gang as they battle across time and the universe.

Adapted from his second book in the award winning historical sci-fi Bad Love series, Bad Love Tigers is about a dynamic group of young adventurers, known as the Bad Love Gang, who use a time machine to travel back to the World War II era, meet with President Roosevelt and embark on a perilous secret mission to protect an alien spaceship and defeat the Japanese in combat.

Schewe's screenplay adapted from the first book, Bad Love Strikes, has won 14 international awards at prestigious film festivals all over the world. In Bad Love Strikes, the Gang discovers The White Hole Project, a time machine created by Albert Einstein at the request of President Franklin Roosevelt in case the atomic bomb Manhattan Project failed, and then go on to save a group of Holocaust victims.

Bad Love Strikes screenplay awards:

Best Sci-Fi Screenplay at the Los Angeles Film Awards; Hollywood Weekly Magazine Film Festival – Best Screenplay; Best Script at the Rotterdam Independent Film Festival; Best Script in a Feature Film at the Hollywood International Golden Age Film Festival; New York Tri-State Film Festival – Best Sci-Fi Screenplay; Florida Shorts Film Festival – Best Unproduced Script; Tokyo's Genre Celebration Festival – Best Feature Screenplay; Madrid Arthouse Film Festival – Best Unproduced Feature Script; Madrid International Short Film Festival – Best Script; the Seoul International Short Film Festival in Korea – Best Script; and in Munich, Germany at the New Wave Short Film Festival, where it was chosen as a Special Jury Screenplay Selection. It also garnered a Prix Royal Paris Silver Screenplay Award; the South Florida International Film Festival for Best Original Screenplay for Young Adults, and a Gold Script Writing Award for Sci-Fi Adventure from the Depth of Field International Film Festival. Bad Love Strikes screenplay has also finished as a Finalist and Semi-Finalist at 18 other international film festivals.

Watch the book trailer for Bad Love Tigers at https://bit.ly/BadLoveTigers_Trailer

The fourth installment in the series, Bad Love Medicine, has just garnered its fourth book award and is available on Amazon's Audible. The popular series, which is time travel sci-fi mixed with science fact and history is now available in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and Audible formats.

Each of the Bad Love series audio books are narrated by Alan Carlson, an award-winning narrator with credits in non-fiction, academic, romance fiction and many other categories. You can purchase the audio book at Amazon's Audible.

The entire four book set is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Bad-Love-Collection-Sci-Fi-Adventure-ebook/dp/B09LPPDBMM/ or www.jancarolpublishing.com.

"If history was taught this way in school, everyone would be a scholar and educating ourselves not only about our accomplishments but the horrors of the past that should awaken and give insight to the path of a better future. A rare gem!" —David Holladay, MD, 5-Stars

"Skillful writing (both historical and fantastical), a zesty sense of humor, an appreciation for pop culture, and the ability to create memorably entertaining characters combine to make this an immensely impressive series —and experience! Very highly recommended." —Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 Reviewer, 5-Stars

Watch the book trailer from Bad Love Strikes at https://bit.ly/BadLoveStrikes-Trailer

About Kevin Schewe: Kevin L. Schewe, MD, FACRO, is a board-certified cancer specialist who has been in the private practice of radiation oncology for over 34 years. He is an entrepreneur, having founded Elite Therapeutics and Bad Love Cosmetics Company, LLC.

A long-time history buff, Schewe is the author of the Bad Love Book Series, a young adult sci-fi adventure for ages 10-100 that spans much of early 20th century history. You can connect with Kevin Schewe through his website KevinSchewe.com or via Instagram @realkevinschewe

Media Contact: For review copies or to arrange an interview with Dr. Kevin Schewe, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Reach Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist.

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Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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