Some people prefer to listen rather than read when it comes to short non-fiction stories, and now they can do just that with keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis's new audio podcast, "Finding the Funny: Leadership Tips from a Comedian.
McInnis, a veteran comedian, keynote speaker, and author, is now recording the short stories she shares on Substack and Medium, transforming them into engaging audio episodes. These quick, under-five-minute stories give listeners an inside look at her decades-long comedy career—how she got started, stayed in the business, and transitioned into comedy writing, keynote speaking, and authoring two books.
"I love sharing my stories, and I know that not everyone has time to sit and read," says McInnis. "This podcast lets people hear the stories directly from me, with all the humor and personality that sometimes doesn't come across on the page."
Listeners can expect bite-sized episodes filled with humor, insights, and real-life experiences, offering valuable leadership lessons wrapped in comedy. Whether you're an aspiring comedian, a business professional, or someone who simply enjoys a good laugh, McInnis's podcast provides a fresh perspective on finding humor in change and everyday challenges.
"And for anyone who ever thought they WANTED to be a comedian, these stories may make you happy that you never did it. You're welcome," McInnis jokes.
"Finding the Funny: Leadership Tips from a Comedian" is available on major podcast platforms. For more information on Jan McInnis and her work, visit
About Jan McInnis
Jan McInnis has spent over 20 years entertaining audiences as a comedian, keynote speaker, and comedy writer. She is known for her insightful and humorous presentations on change, leadership, and teamwork. In addition to her speaking career, she has written for top comedians and radio shows and authored two books on humor in business and life.
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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