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Kids Songs & Books to Hollywood to the Super Bowl: Barry Louis Polisar’s 50th Year
Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death, Funeral Expert Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death, Funeral Expert
Albuquerque, NM
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Barry Louis Polisar, children's musician, author, and environmentalist
Video Clip: Click to Watch

Barry Louis Polisar never expected to make a living as a songwriter, author and performer for kids. But he's been doing it for 50 years; his first concert was in March 1975. In 2007, Hollywood boosted one of his early songs, "All I Want is You," in the film JUNO. On Super Bowl Sunday, a cover of that song appeared in an ad for Lay's Potato Chips, created by one of Barry's favorite film makers, Taika Waititi:

Back in 1975, a teacher saw him with his guitar and asked him if he'd perform at the school where she taught. Barry reluctantly agreed and at that very first show, he heard another teacher yelling at her kids. He wrote down what she said and turned it into a song ("I've Got a Teacher, She's So Mean"). He never expected that teachers would hear about that song and call him up, asking him to sing it at their school!

His career has been one series of unexpected twists after another including:

And just when he thought things were winding down 30 years into his career, one of his oldest songs ("All I Want is You") was used in the opening credits of the award-winning movie JUNO. https://barrylou.com/juno-film/

This led to international exposure through commercials and song licensing. https://barrylou.com/videos/ 

He almost didn't record this song. He added it as "filler" on his second album, "My Brother Thinks He's a Banana and Other Provocative Songs for Children," released in 1977. He thought the album needed just one more song. He's written hundreds of songs on more than 16 albums. https://barrylou.com/cd-recordings/ 

Here is the full three-minute Lay's video, with the entire song:

Barry is also a passionate environmentalist who has cleaned up numerous trashed properties in Maryland, including on the Chesapeake Bay and Patuxent River. All his clean-up projects are now in either protective conservation easements or forest conservation plans. Here's one story: https://barrylou.com/tireless-efforts/

Many of Barry's songs and books for children—as well as all three of his books for adults—have their roots in his Jewish heritage: "Telling the Story: A Passover Haggadah Explained," "Retelling Genesis," a modern Midrash that gives voice to many characters left out of the biblical narratives, and "An Early Picking," a collection of Barry's earliest poetry which includes poems about family and faith.

It all goes back to that first performance in March 1975. He never expected it would lead to a career that has influenced millions of kids across the country. https://barrylou.com/author-programs-concerts/

Barry Louis Polisar is available for interview regarding his 50th anniversary. His contact information is available at his website, https://barrylou.com.


Gail Rubin, CT, is author and host of the award-winning book and television series, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die, Hail and Farewell: Cremation Ceremonies, Templates and TipsKICKING THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and Organizing Things to Do Before You Die and The Before I Die Festival in a Box™.

Rubin is a Certified Thanatologist (that's a death educator) and a popular speaker who uses humor and films to get the end-of-life and funeral planning conversation started. She "knocked 'em dead" with her TEDx talk, A Good Goodbye. She provides continuing education credit classes for attorneys, doctors, nurses, social workers, hospice workers, financial planners, funeral directors and other professionals. She's a Certified Funeral Celebrant and funeral planning consultant who has been interviewed in national and local print, broadcast and online media.

Known as The Doyenne of Death®, she is the event coordinator of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival and author of a guide to holding such festivals. Her podcast is also called The Doyenne of Death®. She produces videos about the funeral business and related topics. Her YouTube Channel features hundreds of videos!

Rubin is a member of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association, Toastmasters International and the National Speakers Association. Her speaking profile is available at eSpeakers.com.

Gail Rubin has been interviewed about funeral planning issues in national and local broadcast, print and online media. Outlets include The Huffington Post, Money Magazine, Kiplinger, CBS Radio News, WGN-TV,  and local affiliates for NPR, PBS, FOX, ABC-TV, CBS-TV and NBC-TV. Albuquerque Business First named her as one of their 2019 Women of Influence.

Sign up for a free planning form and occasional informative newsletter at her website, AGoodGoodbye.com.

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Name: Gail Rubin
Group: A Good Goodbye
Dateline: Albuquerque, NM United States
Direct Phone: 505-265-7215
Cell Phone: 505-363-7514
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