Wednesday, November 6, 2024

We often talk about the importance of knowing when to say “no”, especially if you’re someone who says “yes” almost indiscriminately.
When you focus on when to say “no” your decision is tactical. You’re typically managing your time – and yourself – so that you don’t over commit.
As an alternative, consider when the best time is to say “yes”. Saying yes with thoughtful consideration (as opposed to automatically) can be strategic because you reflect on how the decision fits in with your goals and priorities.
Often the dilemma arises when something is important, but not urgent. When something is clearly urgent, you don’t think twice about “yes”. When it’s important but not urgent, you face a different dynamic.
The core question to consider in this scenario is, “If I make this choice, how will it help me reach my goal?” Your response to this question gives you different information than if you approach your answer simply as a tactical scheduling question.
You know the cliché, if you want to get something done ask a busy person. The most efficient, busy people get so much done because they approach “yes” in this manner. They may not consciously approach every decision this way, but the bottom line is that they’re thinking about whether saying yes will bring them to a desired outcome.
Give this a try in the week ahead and see how it works for you. And, of course, I’d love to hear your feedback.
“If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must say no, say it without fear.”
– Paulo Coelho
Header image by Christina Morillo/