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Last Chance to Enjoy NY Restaurant Week while Watching Your Weight
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
New York, NY
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Eat Smart Expert Ruth Houston’s tip sheet can help you choose weight-friendly food from any restaurant menu.

New York Restaurant week is winding down.   There are only a couple more days leftIf you were reluctant to take advantage of discount dining out at some of new York's finest restaurants because you're on a diet or watching your weight, Eat Smart Expert Ruth Houston has good news for you. 

Houston, the author of the upcoming book  Eat Smart and Lose Weight:  Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise    says, "Even weight-conscious diners can enjoy NYC Restaurant Week without ditching their diet or sabotaging their weight loss plan if they know what types of foods to order and what to avoid."

"There are certain descriptive words on a restaurant menu that can clue you in as to how weight-friendly, or how calorie-laden a particular dish will be, Houston explains.  "I have a free tip sheet entitled, Eat Smart Tips for Choosing Weight-Friendly Food from Any Menu which can help you decipher the "code words" on a menu that tell you what you need to know." 

Houston says "Being on a diet or watching one's weight shouldn't keep anyone from experiencing the diversity of NYC's famous dining scene at the special prices offered during NYC Restaurant Week.  Knowing how to decipher certain words on a menu guarantees that anyone will be able to find something that fits in with their weight loss plan." 

To request your FREE copy of Houston's Eat Smart Tips for Choosing Weight-Friendly Food from Any Menu, email EatSmartExpert@gmail.com  with Weight-Friendly Restaurant Food" in the subject line. 

NOTE:  Many of the tips in this tip sheet are taken from  the chapter "Eating Out" in Ruth Houston's upcoming book Eat Smart and Lose Weight:  Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise

About Eat Smart Expert Ruth Houston

Ruth Houston is the author of the upcoming book, Eat Smart and Lose Weight:  Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise.     

Drawing on 30 years of experience as a food journalist, restaurant reviewer, cruise ship food lecturer, and serious foodie, Ruth’s research for the past 5 years has been concentrated on the weight loss industry with a specific focus on scientifically proven ways to lose weight that don’t involve dieting or exercise.  This extensive research, along with Ruth’s belief that people should be able to enjoy eating without the fear of getting fat, forms the basis for her upcoming book Eat Smart and Lose Weight:  Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise. 

In connection with her previous book, Ruth Houston has appeared on over 520 TV and radio news and talk shows worldwide and has been quoted in numerous print and online media.

For more information about Ruth Houston's upcoming book Eat Smart and Lose Weight, click here or visit https://eatsmartloseweightbook.com

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Name: Ruth Houston
Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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