Thursday, April 26, 2012
Amanda Hanson looks like a typical law student at 24 years of age with short brown hair. But on Saturday, May 5th she'll be teaching women how to confidently protect themselves in a special class she's created called The Victim-Proof Woman.
With the rise of violence against women and with Amanda attending law school in Baltimore, MD – one of the most dangerous cities in America – she knows it's critical that women learn the right ways to protect themselves.
"Every day I see far too many women walking around making themselves easy targets and having no clue what is going around them. I want to show women how to prevent attacks in the first place, but also what tools they need if they ever find themselves in a dangerous situation."
Amanda is married to a former CIA Officer who she credits with helping her go from a naïve California girl to empowered woman with the ability to protect herself. Now she wants to pass her knowledge along to others.
For full details on The Victim-Proof Woman class taking place on Saturday May 5th in Fairfax, VA visit Or call Amanda Hanson for an entertaining and informative interview at 571-429-1999.