Calgary, AB, Influence tactics are motivational resources used by leaders to encourage workers from falling behind in their sales quotas or other job requirements. Many guises of tactics are used. One is the tactic of exchange where a mutual exchange is offered for compliance. Another is ingratiation defined by finding favor over particular personality characteristics. Each of these influence tactics helps motivate the worker but who motivates the leader?
When a leader gets paralyzed, it rarely stems from a physical ailment. Instead, the disease that threatens danger and even death stems as a result of analysis paralysis. Too many leaders face uncertainty with indecision.
Which way to turn? What to do? How to forecast accurately? These are the questions that many leaders face in the economic adventures of the business climate.
Leadership coaching provides answers to help solve analysis paralysis which keeps leaders from falling in bad times. Leadership coaching provides two approaches: the first is a pro-active approach and the second is a reactive approach.
The pro-active approach to problem solving includes learning how to take steps before a problem occurs. Preliminary research and forecasting are examples of proactive problem solving. Loreen Sherman is a leadership coach that integrates her real-world inter-disciplinary experience to facilitate discussion that directs the leader to focus on possible scenarios. Preparation is a key tool to prevention.
Moreover, the leadership coaching provided by Loreen Sherman is balanced. Problems can occur outside the organization. Environmental analysis is another way to cure analysis paralysis. Solving problems using an environmental analysis helps the leader strengthen his position and establish stronger decisions.
Sample scenario: Business leaders and executives want growth. To date, the stock market is uncertain; therefore they must decide whether alternatives are a better decision.
Parameters to establish when following a pro-active approach:
1) Consider each alternative.
2) Prioritize risk level.
3) Estimate one year, five year and ten year repercussions.
The three parameters provide an outline for a basic forecast. Obviously, the more information that specifically answers the direct questions, the more accurate description is provided to make decisions.
Likewise, here are some basic parameters to consider when reacting to a problematic situation:
1) What are the cost factors, expenses that immediately effect the growth of the company?
2) Who are the people most effected by exposure to the problem?
3) What resources are available to solve the situation, what resources are unavailable?
Leadership coaching sees with fresh eyes. These new insights help leaders balance their approach. Leaders are not infallible, not all-knowing and not all-seeing; neither are their coaches. However, two working together are more likely to establish balanced objectives to solve the situation. Most leaders who invest in managerial programs attain results up to 81%.
Call Loreen Sherman, a business expert and organizational leadership development mentor at 1.877.896.7292 to find out how she can help your company maintain a balanced approach to keep your leaders from falling today.
Availability: Alberta, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone. 403.289.2292 or Toll Free 1.877.896.7292