Calgary, AB, In order to understand conflict resolution certain strategies helped. One of these is the use of brain-storming scenarios. This means that a vignette which is a smaller case study was outlined for the executive leadership. This allowed each manager to think about the situation and try to find creative and reasonable solutions.
Scenarios are similar to simulations. Each scenario allows the team leader to reflect on possibilities. This helps the team leader consider time constraints and look for alternatives. Creative ways to solve the scenario help team leaders solve real problems. Each scenario is a starting point to help make decisions.
A conflict scenario is a tool to help organizational leadership learn response mechanisms. This is helpful for team leadership because conflict resolution saves time, money and emotional costs. When a team is under conflict the productivity in an organization reduces. Therefore, using tools to decrease the conflict is a benefit to the organization. A conflict scenario includes both content and contextual elements to make the team leaders think.
Conflict scenarios are an important step in pro-active problem solving. Loreen Sherman demonstrates this point in her leadership development programs with a descriptive scenario. Here is an example of a descriptive scenario to solve potential conflict.
Imagine for a moment, you are new to Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon Territory in Canada where you have been asked to lecture your respective clients on environmental awareness. The problem is that you are trying to arrange a meeting on July 10. The question raised would be why is this problematic? As the leaders and managers brainstorm on this, different descriptive aspects are considered. The problem is posed with defined parameters so that the team leader can visualize the problem.
The ability to see the geographic elements or the size of the population is some of the information gathered with the descriptive scenario. Posing problems in this manner helps the organizational leadership look in advance to the conditions of the lecture. Travel arrangements and audience matters can be scoped with careful preparation. The descriptive scenario provides the contextual relationships to outline the stakeholders who may be involved in conflict. A key to resolution is to recognize potential pitfalls.
Organizational leadership development programs help align your decision makers with tools to be proactive in their problem solving agenda.
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