Thursday, July 16, 2020

Living Without Meat.
In 2008, approximately 34 million pounds of hexane were released into the environment in the U.S. Are you consuming this neurotoxic industrial chemical? You just may be if you are eating vegan meat alternatives made from soy such as tofu, tempeh, or textured vegetable protein. Check out which brands don’t begin with hexane processing in this short video from the Cornucopia Institute and then refer to their Soy Food Scorecard for more companies not using the chemical solvent hexane.
One Green Planet published an article, The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Meats and Meat Substitutes. You don’t have to be a vegetarian or vegan to enjoy the recipes in this article, which also includes weekly vegan meal plans. Also available is One Green Planet’s app, Food Monster, which they quote as being “the biggest, baddest, yummiest vegan food app.” Consuming plant foods is better for your health and better for the health of our planet.
Living Without Cheese And Ice Cream.
Did you know that to make a pound of cheese from cow’s milk it takes approximately 1,000 gallons of water? Please take a few minutes to watch this amazing video of Mikoyo Schinner in Petaluma, CA for some of the best vegan cheeses made from organic cashews. In addition, you’ll learn more about her nonprofit “Mercy for Animals” and how she assists dairy farmers in their to transition to vegan products.
Dairy free but miss ice cream? How about vegan ice cream recipes with the following flavor options: banana, tahini-chocolate, avocado-lime, sweet potato-gingerbread, and more? Even if you aren’t vegan you’ll enjoy these recipes!
Living Without Allergens.
First published in 1998, the magazine “Living Without” became “Gluten Free & More” in 2014. This magazine and website have been such a valuable resource for people living with food allergies and sensitivities. Their recipes help people prepare delicious foods that can be free of any or all of the following foods: dairy, grains, eggs, nuts, soy, and gluten. Check out the recipe link for free recipes in any category you desire!
Can’t eat gluten? While pesticides have certainly been implicated as a major cause of gluten sensitivity, a new study shows that the PFAS chemicals used to manufacture nonstick cookware might also have something to do with it! Better to use stainless steel.
Living Without Food (Fasting).
Wildly popular, intermittent fasting suggests that women fast approximately 14-15 hours/day, leaving an eating window of 9 to 10 hours. Interestingly, this regime has been a lifestyle of mine since the 70s. I typically eat dinner around 6:00 and have never been an evening snacker. I get up at 5:00 am to start my day and by the time I finish exercising and showering it’s 8:00 and I’m ready for breakfast. Viola! Intermittent fasting and I didn’t even realize it!
I’ve read dozens of books on fasting in the past and have personally experienced many different versions of the discipline, from nothing but water to drinking fresh vegetable juices. Some of the points to intermittent fasting include Paul Bragg’s advice from the 1960s which is to do a 24-hour fast once a week. I find it fascinating how the old health practices are re-emerging – just with a new label. Some of my favorite books included Hereward Carrington’s “Fasting for Health and Long Life” published in 1953; “The Miracle of Fasting” by Paul Bragg published in 1976; and Dr. Bernard Jensen’s “Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management” published in 1981, which one can download for free here.
EcoWatch posted an article on six ways to do intermittent fasting, sharing that ancient hunter-gatherers couldn’t find anything to eat at times so fasting was a common practice. However, my favorite program to follow at least four times a year was also designed by Dr. Jensen – The Eleven-Day Regime – as outlined in his book, “Vital Foods for Total Health” published in 1950.
There are some people who shouldn’t undertake fasting for a number of reasons, so before you attempt to do so please visit Healthline for safety information.
Living With Plant Milk.
Almonds are good for us, right? Nutritious and munchable, we also have almond flour and almond butter. And if you’re avoiding dairy, you might even be consuming almond milk. However, almonds are taking a toll on the environment as it’s estimated that it takes 15 gallons of water to produce 16 almonds! Who knew? We made almond milk in the late 1970s by (1) soaking raw almonds until they were plump, (2) putting them in the blender and then (3) straining before drinking. Much less water used in making our almond milk.
Grist mentions that pistachio trees require 1/3 to 1/2 as much water as almond trees and unlike almond trees, pistachio trees don’t die during extended droughts. Pistachios can produce nuts for 80 years or longer, almost four times the life span of an average almond tree. As it gets hotter and drier, the range of pistachios is expanding northward, as the range of almonds retreats. Pistachio milk anyone?
Perhaps you’d like to try your hand at making your own plant milk. Inhabitat published recipes for oat milk, coconut milk, pea and seed milks. Important to note is that some homemade oat milks can be a bit slimy, but Detoxinista offers the best ways to avoid an unappealing batch of oat milk.
Living With Coffee Beans.
According to Healthline coffee makes us smarter, helps us burn fat and is good for our liver, among many other positive health effects. My biggest concern about making coffee is the coffee maker itself. Most of them have plastic components. Using a glass or stainless-steel coffee maker will reduce the migration of plastics chemicals into your morning brew. You could also try a French press, an old-fashioned percolator, or a pour-over coffee maker. Anything but plastic (see my blog on Plastic Coffee).
Don’t have room for coffee equipment? Steeped Coffee has solved that problem by offering coffee that is ethically sourced, nitro sealed to keep it fresh, and in the form of a “tea bag.” You can even pick your blend to steep. Another favorite of mine is the instant, organic and fair-trade coffee Mount Hagen. It’s great for camping or for making a quick iced coffee in the summer.
Living With Fermented Grapes.
If you are a wine lover are you familiar with Frey Vineyards in Mendocino, CA? They were the first organic and biodynamic winery in the U.S. and have been producing sulfite- and gluten-free wines for over 40 years. In addition, their wines are GMO-free. The also sponsor the National Pesticide Forum scholarship fund through the Beyond Pesticides Organization. Check out their website, where under the Sustainability link you can learn more about their farm and how they support the honeybees!
For a list of the health benefits for both red and white wines visit Healthline, keeping in mind that too much of a good thing can be detrimental to our health.