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Losing Treasured Family History Items Means Losing Your Memory

Losing Treasured Family History Items and Heirlooms Is Heartbreaking!
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Contact Name: Scott M. Haskins

Phone 805 570 4140 mobile

Email faclartdoc@gmail.com

Website https://www.SaveYourStuff.com

Losing Treasured Family History Items Means Losing Your Memory

Are you over analyzing whether "it" is worth it or not?

Santa Barbara, California -

Quote : I had Scott Haskins, world renowned art conservation expert and author of the Save Your Stuff series of books, on my show, The Frankie Boyer Talk Radio Show to discuss "How can something be priceless when its not worth anything? Are certain collectibles and heirlooms worth saving?" The interview flew by with lots of interesting stories, provoking ideas and tips for home use and plenty of laughs. Scott was entertaining, authoritative, an easy interesting interview… one of the best, most engaging guests I've had in a long time.

Frankie Boyer, WCRN Boston, Mass.

Short Author Bio: Interview Scott M. Haskins, author of "Save Your Stuff" series, who has worked in the US and Europe as a professional art conservator and preservation expert since 1975. He has established relationships worldwide through working partnerships in art conservation, and as an author with online genealogical companies of which FamilySearch is a partner.

There are several niches for which Mr. Haskins' expertise is of interest to your platform. In an uncertain economy and political situation, Preppers are in full force and Mr. Haskins has a unique angle to discuss: In response to a request at the time of the devastating Los Angeles Northridge Earthquake in 1994, he wrote a booklet on How To Respond After An Earthquake – taking care of collectibles, heirlooms and keepsakes of which 500,000 were distributed in Los Angeles by the Bank of America Corp. His 1st book was published in 1996, "How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster," and became the most sold preservation manual in the world (5,000 copies). Mr. Haskins "road tested" his Save Your Stuff message for the general public as an adult education teacher for 8 years on how to preserve your treasured family history items, perfecting his workshop strategies and lecturing/teaching methods.

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL) besides providing painting preservation and restoration services also is also at "ground zero" with other response teams in the event of natural disasters and home disasters, emergency response services for saving and preserving art, antiques, heirlooms, collectibles and family history items. Special collaboration is required with insurance companies and disaster response companies.

More about the Book just uploaded to Amazon: If you think about it… your family heirlooms and treasured family history items tell the story of your family and are of heartfelt importance for generations of people. They trigger memories and document your family's legacy. Your house pets are also a heartfelt emotional part of your life. It would be tragic for either to be badly damaged, lost or destroyed. Yet, these two parts of your life are usually not insurable against fires, water damage, etc! What is "worth saving?"

If your house was on fire and you had to grab 'n go,

would you grab your house pet or your family heirloom?

How can you replace the family bible? It's worth the effort to think ahead, prepare important members – and momentos of your family for an emergency and feel the emotional peace of having taken action. Our main business is the preservation and restoration of artwork and at any given time, we will often have several items in the lab that have been damaged by house pets. Many times the damage to treasured valuable collectibles occurs when the owner tries to transport heirlooms and pets at the same time. The results can be expensive to remedy, one of the more recent ripped paintings we repaired was caused by an Australian Cattle dog which cost $3,500.00 to restore back to great condition.

There are literally hundreds of suggestions you have not thought of and a wide variety of situations… like traveling with pets and heirlooms and car accidents, for which you can quickly be better prepared.

Discover how to protect and save your treasured family memorabilia, heirlooms, collectables, photographs, documents-letters-certificates and other cherished family history items from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, floods, shipping and handling... and your grandkids! Complete easy, inexpensive and fun how-to instructions. Have you ever lost a cherished possession that was dear to you in an earthquake, hurricane or fire? Porcelains that broke, a book that was ruined by water or photos that were burned or blown away? What are you afraid of losing in the next "big one"?

Or has someone ever thrown away a "worthless" treasured item important to you! This book, written by Your Preservation Coach, is your manual for protecting your family's heritage. The author has been involved in a dozen "major" disasters: earthquakes (Silomar 1971, Whittier 1989 and Northridge 1994 and two in Italy), 12 fires (Santa Barbara 1990, 2008, 2018, 2019, Oakland 1993, 2 in 2009) and one flood and massive deadly mudslide (Santa Barbara 1995, 2019) and has spoken numerous time in Gulf State hurricane country. Though people loose homes, cars, toys etc., by far the items for which I hear the most crying are the things that make up a person's family history... things that cannot be replaced with insurance money. There is almost a spiritual identity that people feel for the items that help tell their story to their other family members about their parents and their ancestors. These items tell the family's legacy.

Shortly after the Northridge Earthquake, Joan Rivers was talking to Dorothy Adams of Conservation Materials Ltd. about Quake Wax on QVC TV and among the hype, hustle, lights and make up (she wore a lot!!... can we talk!?) there was a moment when Joan softened and became emotional when she realized that had she used this product, she would have saved a dear ceramic keepsake from the Northridge Earthquake. She became really quite emotional about an item that was worth very little money. Why? Because it told a heartfelt story. So it is with the photos, letters and certificates, portraits and lots of other "stuff" that may be unceremoniously dropped on you after Auntie passes on (of course, there are the lucky ones that inherit something valuable too). Being prepared suggests that you brainstorm as many suggestions in this book as you can and begin implementing the tips that seem most important to you.

Whether you're a collector or you're old enough to be an antique yourself, there are lots of hands on, how to instructions in this book that will help you to protect and preserve your stuff. Widely distributed by Daughters of Utah Pioneers, FamilySearch (in fact parts of the book were used by permission in the book repair department), other online genealogy companies, art galleries, in promotions with Museum Wax, to docent councils in museums, historical organizations and Preppers.

A valuable and fun part of the book, "How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster" is the authoritative FREE continuing education program that will be sent via e-mail (requires additional sign up) from the expert and author! This program includes practical tips, videos, articles, entertaining stories etc. This valuable feature is not available from other distributors of the book.

Contact Details

For more media info go to https://www.FineArtConservationLab.com/media-room/, contact author Scott M. Haskins, 805 570 4140 faclartdoc@gmail.com

Call to Action: A paperback version, "How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster" can be bought at a discount on Amazon. Click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/b08jrjdlky

The discounted $19.95 price of the book includes continuing education email tips with great information (its even fun to do with your family) for which you will need to go to the website at https://www.SaveYourStuff.com after the purchase to sign up (scroll to the bottom of the landing page.)

Pickup Short URL to Share
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Scott M. Haskins
Title: Author, Art Conservation/Restoration, Pets and Heirlooms, Art Damage, Expert Witness
Group: www.fineartconservationlab.com
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-564-3438
Cell Phone: 805 570 4140
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