FlorAlive – Lobelville, TN March 12, 2019
Have you lost your inner smile, the one that supports the smile that shows on your face, the smile that makes people want to be around you? Let FlorAlive's SMILE turn that frown upside down so that you want to be with you.
Rather than sleepwalking through your day, why not feel happy? Especially when a spritz of SMILE Quantum Energy Spray is all it takes to dispel negative energy and put the zip back in your step.
Here's Dr. Brent Davis, founder of FlorAlive Uncut Flower Essences, and author of THE FLORAL HAND OF GOD, to explain it for you.
When hopelessness is removed, happiness prevails. SMILE's blend of shamanic flower essences can do this for you. Some wise person once said, "Keep chipping away until all that's left is a smile, floating in space." Charlie Chaplin knew this. Just listen to the lyrics of his immortal classic, SMILE. "You'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile."
Go to https://www.floralive.com/products/smile/ to learn more about SMILE. Order yours today. For only $34.95 it's like having a bottle of SMILEs at hand, ready to restore your smile, inside and out, immediately working to brighten your world.

FlorAlive® remedies are prepared from UNCUT flowers and hence contain all the plant’s healing frequencies in an optimally coherent state. Other flower essences are prepared from cut flowers. Dr. Davis’s method is patented worldwide. FlorAlive flower remedies are created from uncut flowers.
In addition to being a licensed chiropractor in California and Tennessee, Dr. Davis has post-graduate training in classical homeopathy and applied kinesiology, as well as solid core training in numerous other natural diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. When he is not treating patients or traveling on “floral adventures,” he lives on his organic herb farm in the center of the FlorAlive® Forest, 75 miles outside of Nashville.
FlorAlive® P.O. Box 627, Lobelville, TN 37097
Telephone: (931) 593-2300
Website: www.floralive.com
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. FlorAlive® products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FlorAlive® UNCUT flower essences are manufactured and protected under U.S.patent nos. 6,254,896 & 6,447,813; Canadian patent no. 2,410,196; International Patents Pending. Copyright © 2017 PRL Inc.; Photos copyright © 2001-2017 Brent Davis. All right reserved. The FlorAlive® custom blend selector is a proprietary software program, copyright © 2017 Brent Davis