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Madison Vine Wines Hosts Chicago Author Roger Higgins August 9 from 6-8pm

“Would you like a little history with that wine?”
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Tapping into the hot topic of immigrants, author Roger Higgins' timely book Billy Gogan, American follows the life of an orphaned Irish child who immigrated to America in 1844. "I chose this time period because it was really at the cusp of the modern era," says author Roger Higgins. "The biggest challenge was staying alive. It was putting food on the table, or in this case in Billy's mouth. It was having somewhere to live, some shelter."  This riveting historical fiction is told in the first person, which lends an immediacy to the story that will reverberate with readers. It is the story of what all immigrants are in search of: a better life.


Meet Higgins in person this week in Chicago.


Thursday, August 9, 2018 from 6-8pm

Madison Vine Wines

1340 W Madison, Chicago, IL, 60607



During the wine tasting Roger Higgins will be signing copies of his book "Billy Gogan" in anticipation of the fall release of Gone fer Soldier, the second book of the trilogy. 


The novel opens as a memoir, with 85-year old William P. Gogan, now a retired general, dictating his story so that his adventures will be carried down. The year is 1844, on the eve of the Irish famine, and Billy Gogan's father has just died in an Irish prison under suspicious circumstances. Relatives send Billy to America, where he arrives at The Five Points, which is Ground Zero in the cultural collision of native Americans, escaped slaves and immigrants. It is also the epitome of the slums. Filled with an unruly mix of folks, the only goal is survival, and the harsh realities are overwhelming.


"Roger Higgins is a bare-knuckled storyteller. In this brawny novel, he transports us to the hardscrabble lives of mid-1800s New York Irish immigrants. Though each day brings a new brawl for survival, under Higgins's deft touch, the heartbeat of tenderness, love, and even racial enlightenment pulses through 'Gotham's' brutal veins."

Gary Buslik

Professor of English, University of Illinois, Chicago

Author, A Rotten Person Travels the Caribbean




"The story goes into Billy's evolution in those early months in New York, as he begins to shed that Irishness and grow to be an American." says Higgins. "I think what drives Billy is this sense of wanting to have a place in the world. My goal was to write an adventure story, and at the same time give the reader a glimpse into a way of life that has been gone for over 150 years."


The result is a great history lesson full of fascinating characters and page-turning adventures.


"Lose yourself in the pages of this exciting historical novel as you follow the adventures of Billy Gogan, an Irish orphan sent to America on the eve of the 1844 Irish Famine. Discover the dangers he faces as he lives by his wits, and does what he has to, to survive."

            Susan Keefe, Midwest Book Review


His interactive website is a treat for both adults and children. Explore it to discover more of Billy Gogan's world, and to learn about American history. Don't miss the book trailer, narrated by a man with an Irish accent at this link: http://bit.ly/BillyGoganTrailer and on the author's website: http://billygogan.com/


Billy Gogan, American, ISBN 978-16095211-58, 2016, Traveler's Tales/Solas House, 416 pages, $16.95 paperback and $9.99 on Kindle on Amazon.

About Roger Higgins

Roger Higgins immigrated to American from England when he was 6¾ years old. After wearing his British school uniform to class on the first day, he decided it was better to try to look more American. Higgins grew up and joined the Navy, then retired to become a lawyer. He dabbles in law, while writing books to his heart's content. The next book in the Billy Gogan series Billy Gogan Gone fer Soldier

will be published later this year. He and his wife live in Chicago, IL and are the proud parents of four wonderful and successful grown children.


Media Contact: For a review copy of Billy Gogan, American or to arrange an interview with Roger Higgins, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on twitter @abookpublicist


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