Home > NewsRelease > Magnesium is Vital for the Prevention of Osteoporosis
Magnesium is Vital for the Prevention of Osteoporosis
Byron J. Richards_ Thyroid Leptin and Nutrition Expert Byron J. Richards_ Thyroid Leptin and Nutrition Expert
Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

Minneapolis, MN

It has long been known that a magnesium rich diet of fresh fruit and vegetables is associated with better bone health, regardless of calcium intake. A new study documents precise mechanisms explaining why magnesium is indispensable to healthy bones and the prevention of osteoporosis.

Osteopathic are your important bone building carpenter cells. The research shows that when they run low on magnesium they get in a bad mood and start cranking out a highly inflammatory signal (inducible nitric oxide – iNOS Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase. This enzyme influences genes located in the neuro-immune and cardiovascular system and provides immune defense against pathogens and contributes to disease progression including neurogenic inflammation (iNOS2). ). This results in two adverse outcomes for bones.

First, the iNOS Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase. This enzyme influences genes located in the neuro-immune and cardiovascular system and provides immune defense against pathogens and contributes to disease progression including neurogenic inflammation (iNOS2). prevents the generation of new osteoblasts. In essence the bones are reasoning that if there is not enough magnesium then the intake of nutrients for building bone is probably lacking, so there is no need for any more carpenters. As far as bones are concerned the lack of magnesium is signaling a housing crisis and the magnesium-needing osteoblasts are headed for the unemployment line.

Second, the increase of iNOS Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase. This enzyme influences genes located in the neuro-immune and cardiovascular system and provides immune defense against pathogens and contributes to disease progression including neurogenic inflammation (iNOS2). within bone triggers excessive activation of the demo crew known as osteoclasts Type of bone cell that removes old, damaged bone by the process bone resorption.. The adverse inflammatory increase of osteoclast activity combined with a relative decrease of osteoblast activity is the hallmark of bone loss, eventually leading to osteoporosis.

Magnesium deficiency is common in just about anyone struggling with virtually any ongoing health issue. Magnesium is rapidly depleted by stress and lost in sweat (from exercise). It is typical in individuals who feel agitated, irritated, anxious, and/or have trouble sleeping. It isn't the only reason for these issues but it certainly is a common finding in any of them.

In addition to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, supplemental high quality magnesium (not magnesium oxide), ranging in daily doses from 200 mg on the low end up to 800 mg on the high end can be quite helpful in replenishing magnesium status. Remember, your bones take the brunt of all the stressors in your life. Adequate magnesium is basic for your bones and vital for many other aspects of health.

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