Home > NewsRelease > March Adness 2020: Round 1 Winners are here & Round 2 is about to commence
March Adness 2020: Round 1 Winners are here & Round 2 is about to commence
Ad Council Ad Council
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

White bracket with blue background shows that Ending Hunger and Texting and Driving Prevention won the first round of March Adness

White bracket with blue background shows that Ending Hunger and Texting and Driving Prevention won the first round of March Adness
And the winners of our Sweet Sixteen Round 1 are… Ending Hunger and Texting and Driving Prevention! Congratulations to these two amazing campaigns and thank you to everyone who has voted in March Adness so far.
Up next, it’s the Sweet Sixteen Round 2 showdown between Buzzed Driving Prevention & Wildfire Prevention and Emergency Preparedness & Shelter Pet Adoption. Check out the campaigns below. Voting for this round begins on 3/12 so be sure you’re signed up to vote – it’s as simple as giving us your email in the box to the right of this post!
You can expect to see Ending Hunger and Texting and Driving Prevention in the Excellent Eight starting on 3/24 , which of this round’s campaigns will join them?

Buzzed Driving Prevention vs. Wildfire Prevention

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data, in 2018 there were over 10,511 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving accidents. The Buzzed Driving Prevention campaign aims to help reduce that number by inspiring young men 21-34 to examine their behavior and take responsibility for their decisions to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks. PSAs emphasize that if you see a buzzed warning sign, you should call a cab, car or friend when it’s time to go home. Just don’t drive. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.
For 75 years, Smokey Bear has been protecting our forests and getting the word out about wildfire prevention. His powerful message, “Only you can prevent wildfires,” is at the heart of one of America’s longest running PSA campaigns. In honor of Smokey Bear’s 75th birthday, celebrities like Stephen Colbert have joined the historic campaign, lending their voices to help expand on Smokey’s iconic catchphrase using animated emoji technology. These PSAs encourage viewers to protect what they love by preventing wildfires. Visit SmokeyBear.com to learn more wildfire prevention tips.

Emergency Preparedness vs. Shelter Pet Adoption

When you look at the number of disasters in the U.S., chances are every area will deal with some kind of emergency in the next decade. And getting everyone involved in preparedness efforts can help youth, families and communities be prepared and able to respond when faced with disasters. This PSA encourages parents, teachers and caregivers to be Prepared, Not Scared by visiting Ready.gov/kids so they can teach our youth how to take preparedness actions together and know what to do when a crisis occurs.
Each year, millions of dogs and cats will enter shelters and rescue groups, yet only half will be adopted. This leaves millions of healthy and treatable dogs and cats who still need our help to find a home. While every shelter pet is unique, there’s one thing they have in common: they’re all pure love. The #AdoptPureLove PSA campaign celebrates the unique traits of shelter pets and shows how these qualities add up to an incredible bond between every shelter pet and parent.
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Name: Meg Rushton
Group: The Advertising Council
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: (212) 922-1500
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