Wednesday, March 25, 2020

In light of the changing world around us, we’ve decided to continue March Adness as usual in hopes that it offers a welcome distraction and helps us focus on the good that’s still going on. Please vote from home, stay well and help us crown a winner!
We’re excited to announce the winners of our Excellent Eight Round 1…Texting and Driving Prevention and Shelter Pet Adoption! In just a few short days, these two campaigns will be in the final four!
Now it’s time for the Excellent Eight Round 2: Adoption from Foster Care versus Saving for Retirement and Alzheimer’s Awareness versus Fatherhood Involvement. Check out each campaign below and get set to vote on Thursday 3/26. If you’re not yet signed up to vote, feel free to do so by entering your email in the box to the right of this post!
Adoption from Foster Care vs. Saving for Retirement
There are over 125,000 children in the U.S. foster care system currently waiting to be adopted. But teens have lower adoption rates and often wait twice as long to be adopted as younger children. No matter our age, we never outgrow the need for a loving and supportive family. This PSA reminds prospective parents that they will not always be the ones who will be doing the teaching. Adopted teens can help their parents grow in ways they never imagined, giving families a completely new set of moments to look forward to. After all, when it comes to parenthood– you can’t imagine the reward. For more information about adoption, or about becoming an adoptive parent to a child or teen from foster care, please visit
America is facing a looming retirement savings crisis and future generations will have a lower standard of living due to financial insecurity. This is a particularly important issue for African Americans, where 33 percent of the population have less than one month of funds saved for a crisis. This campaign, “Tribute to Our Sheroes,” celebrates everything Black women do for their loved ones and empowers them to take charge of their future with free, personalized tips to help boost their retirement savings so they can live comfortable, happy lives as they age.
Alzheimer’s Awareness vs. Fatherhood Involvement
More than 5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s but less than half are ever diagnosed. Close family members, who know their loved ones best, are typically the first to notice memory issues or cognitive problems, but they are often hesitant to say something – even when they know something is wrong. While acknowledging why your loved one may be acting differently is hard, it can be critical, as early detection of Alzheimer’s can make a difference in managing the disease. By telling real, relatable stories of families who have benefited from early detection of Alzheimer’s, the campaign empowers people to have these critical conversations with loved ones when they notice something is different.
Today, 1 out of every 2 working dads say they spend too little time with their kids and want to do a better job at parenting. Having an involved father significantly contributes to happier and healthier children, and this is true whether a father lives with his child or not. The Ad Council’s Fatherhood Involvement campaign encourages men to #DanceLikeaDad and share a moment with their children. New PSAs feature fathers and children dancing with and alongside each other to show the smallest moments can make the biggest difference. The PSA directs audiences to visit for parenting tips, fatherhood programs and other resources. Share this timeless message with the dads in your community.
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March Adness 2020: See Excellent Eight Round 1 Winners Here and Get Ready for Round 2! appeared first on