Home > NewsRelease > Martin Deeley leaves IACP Board - Remains as Executive Director
Martin Deeley leaves IACP Board - Remains as Executive Director
International Association of Canine Professionals International Association of Canine Professionals
Montverde, FL
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Martin Deeley to continue as Executive Director of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) in 2011.

Martin Deeley resigned his position as a member of the Board of Directors effective January 1, 2011 but will remain as Executive Director. Martin is one of the co-founders of the IACP (founded in 1999) and has served as President for 2 years (2003-2004).

Martin has been training dogs individually and as a team with his wife (Pat Trichter) for over 30 years, earning him respect internationally in the dog training world.

In addition to hundreds of happy clients and lifetime achievements, Martin is the author of Working Gundogs, first published in May 1993.

Martin has worked with Cesar Millan on several projects including the DVD "Sit and Stay- the Cesar Millan Way" and most recently contributing to Cesar's newest book "Cesar's Rules". Martin is a regular contributor to the website CesarsWay.com.

In his Thanksgiving 2010 message on CesarsWay.com, Cesar Millan captures the heart of Martin and his expertise…..

"Why do I affiliate with them? Besides helping countless dogs and consistently educating humans, they have mastered the relationship fundamentals of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. How do I know? I've seen their Packs and the Pack never lies! That means I trust, respect, and love them back, and on this Thanksgiving, one of the things I'm most thankful for are my friendships with special people like Cheri and Martin." (Cesar Millan, Thanksgiving Message 2010, www.cesarsway.com)

Martin will continue to offer his passion, knowledge, and guidance to the IACP in his ongoing role as Executive Director.

The International Association of Canine Professionals is the gateway to success within the world of dogs. The IACP was established to develop and promote the highest standards of professional and business practices among canine professionals. For more information on the IACP go to www.canineprofessoinals.com.

For more information: Please call Denise Collins, 2011 IACP Conference Manager at (925) 285-9194, or contact Executive Director, Martin Deeley by phone, (407) 469-2008, or by email iacp@mindspring.com or visit the website www.CanineProfessionals.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Martin Deeley
Title: Exec Director
Group: International Association of Canine Professionals
Dateline: Montverde, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407 469 5583
Cell Phone: 407 469 5583
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