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Matthew Cossolotto Praises President Obama’s NAACP Speech, Awards Him First-Ever ‘Standing O Award’
Matthew Cossolotto --  The Podium Pro Matthew Cossolotto -- The Podium Pro
Yorktown Heights, NY
Friday, July 17, 2009

All The World's A Podium by Matthew Cossolotto
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Matthew Cossolotto

Ovations International, Inc.



Executive Speechwriter and Coach Matthew Cossolotto – aka The Podium Pro – Praises President Barack Obama's NAACP Speech, Unveils First-Ever 'Standing O Award'

Author of All The World's A Podium and The Real F Word, Cossolotto Says President Obama's "No Excuses, Take Responsibility" Message Echoes Personal Empowerment to the People Concepts Highlighted on https://www.youtube.com/TheEmpowermentProTV

Cossolotto Announces 'Standing O Award' on New YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ThePodiumProTV

YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY – July 17, 2009 – Executive speechwriter and coach Matthew Cossolotto (aka "The Podium Pro") today praised President Obama's speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and announced that his first-ever "Standing O Award" goes to President Obama in recognition of the eloquence and positive messages contained in that speech.

President Obama delivered the speech on July 16, 2009, in honor of the NAACP's 100th anniversary. View the President's speech by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv6EaaoFNno

To see Cossolotto's video announcement of the first-ever Standing O Award, visit his "Podium Power to the People" channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ThePodiumProTV You can also click on this direct link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV5Kk4nVy04

The Standing O Award derives its name from Cossolotto's executive communications company, Ovations International, "Home of the Standing O." Visit www.ovations.com for more information.

Cossolotto is the author of All The World's A Podium and the recently published The Real F Word: The 7 FAILURE Traps of Highly Disempowered People (and what to do about them). In making the Standing O Award announcement, Cossolotto said President Obama's "No Excuses, Take Responsibility" message in his NAACP speech has universal importance and echoes the personal empowerment and personal responsibility messages in his books, YouTube channels, and guest speaking programs.

"President Obama is such an inspirational and accomplished orator," Cossolotto said, "it's almost impossible to pick just one of his speeches that deserves to be recognized with my first-ever Standing O Award. I decided to highlight this particular speech because of its remarkable eloquence, passionate delivery, and positive personal empowerment messages."

In addition to his The Podium Pro TV channel on YouTube, Cossolotto has created a related YouTube channel – called "The Empowerment Pro TV" – that can be visited by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/TheEmpowermentProTV

"One of the main features of The Empowerment Pro TV," Cossolotto said, "will be my series of short 'Your Personal EmpowerMinute' videos. Viewers can visit this channel right now and see several short videos about The Six Axioms of Personal Empowerment, along with several additional installments related to HabitForce, Podium Power and other important personal empowerment topics. Once viewers learn about the Six Axioms and the seven habits of FAILURE and SUCCESS discussed in The Real F Word, they'll know why I like to refer to my programs – with apologies to Barack Obama – as 'Personal Change You Can Believe In.' If you're feeling stuck and seem to be falling short of your potential, help is on the way."

Here's a link to Matthew's overview video about The Six Axioms of Personal Empowerment


About Matthew Cossolotto

A former aide to Congressman Leon Panetta and US House Speaker Jim Wright, Matthew Cossolotto is an author, guest speaker, executive speechwriter and coach. His private-sector career includes stints as a CEO-level speechwriter and communications executive at MCI, Pepsi-Cola International, and GTE. In 1996, Matthew launched Ovations International – "Home of the Standing O®." For more information, please visit www.Ovations.com, www.PersonalChangeYouCanBelieveIn.com, http://TheRealFWord.wordpress.com, and http://StandingO.wordpress.com

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Name: Matthew Cossolotto
Title: Author/Speaker/Speech Coach/Speechwriter
Group: The Podium Pro
Dateline: Oberlin/Brussels (Belgium), OH United States
Direct Phone: 440-597-9018
Cell Phone: 440-597-9018
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