It occurred to me over the weekend that just as I announce the month’s blog posts in my long-running Clean and Green Club newsletter, I should announce the newsletter here. I publish in the middle of the month.
My first monthly newsletters started way back in 1997, when the Internet was young and fresh. My current version, originally called Positive Power of Principled Profit and renamed some years later, dates from around September 2003, shortly after publishing the first of my four books on how business can thrive by addressing issues like hunger, poverty, racism/othering, war, and catastrophic climate change directly in their products and services.
Each issue has a tip or reflection on some aspect of successful ethical, environmentally and socially conscious business, as well as a review of a resource I’ve found—usually an in-depth review of a book.
In the May issue:
Lead article: What Do They Notice FIRST About Your Product? (how your packaging can help you market—with a primary example of how the makers of a commodity product every single one of us has at home used a green strategy to differentiate theirs)
Review: Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take by former Unilever CEO Paul Polman and well-known green business author Andrew Winston (spoiler alert: I took 17 pages of notes while reading this book and strongly recommend it)
Subscribe at no cost to Shel Horowitz's monthly Clean and Green Newsletter and get these powerful bonuses: Seven Tips to Gain Marketing Traction as a Green Guerrilla, plus Seven Weeks to a Greener Business: tips on going greener with printing, energy saving, waste reduction, water conservation, transportation, going deep-green, and of course, green marketing (on tip a week for seven weeks). Plus, of course, the informative monthly newsletter, published steadily since 1997.
To sign up for the newsletter, opt in at the top-right corner of:
Follow Shel at: @ShelHorowitz