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May is National Toxic Encephalopathy & Chemical Injury Awareness Month.
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Las Vegas, NV
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation (NTEF) is pleased to announce their annual "National Toxic Encephalopathy & Chemical Injury Awareness Month". [1]

The relationship of our indoor environment to human health can no longer be denied. More and more maladies and diseases are showing a correlation to environmental toxicants, which the public has the power to mitigate.

Whether it's from bathroom air fresheners that claim to be "natural", environmentally "safer" pesticides, fragrances, BPA in food cans/kitchen products, electro-magnetic/radio frequency emissions, etc. For every toxic product there is a safer alternative that does not impact human health and the brain.

We are encouraging that for the month of May, the public enact safer and healthier alternatives and see for themselves the noticeable results from the reduction of toxins in their lives.

If the public deems it necessary to engulf their internal spaces with synthetic fragrances to mitigate an offensive odor, then they should seek to locate the source of the odor and remediate it, not just cover it up. The harmful effects will remain, only now, it will be masked with an "acceptable" scent.

Every fragrance that you perceive has to be routed through the olfactory neurons into the brain.

We have created a protocol that can be utilized either at home or at work to help with improving your health and reduced dependency on toxic consumer products. These protocols are easily achievable and financially neutral, as most of the alternatives are already in the home.[2]

"I endorse the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation. Their executive officers keep current with the latest scientific research, and freely provide information to the public and to health professionals regarding the dangerous effects of toxic chemicals on the brain. They provide referrals to products that are safer than other commonly used products. As a grass-roots organization, they are in touch with the needs of the citizens in modern times, which are often ignored by the authorities. They are not afraid to speak up, even if their voice contradicts the dictates of commercial leaders."

-Raymond Singer, Ph.D., FACPN, FNAN, FAPS-Forensic Neuropsychologist and Neurotoxicologist Board Certified: American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, with Added Forensic Qualifications: Fellow: American College of Professional Neuropsychology, National Academy of Neuropsychology; Association for Psychological Science, Former President: Society of Toxicology's Roundtable of Toxicology Consultants, Councilor: Society of Toxicology Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Specialty Section, 2011-2013, Councilor: Society of Toxicology Clinical and Translational Toxicology Specialty Section, 2012-2013 Member: American Academy of Clinical Toxicology

"The work of the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation is incredibly important. All of us are exposed every day to unregulated toxic chemicals in the air, food, water and the products all around us. Those with Toxic Encephalopathy or chemical sensitivity are the canaries in the coal mine, alerting us to the health dangers, and to the need to reduce toxic exposures now."

-Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the national Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and author of the award-winning book, "Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry."

"As a researcher of childhood chronic illnesses and a natural healthcare advocate, I am very aware of the toxic exposures we are all exposed to from chemicals, electromagnetic fields and vaccine toxicity. We must do all we can to raise awareness and reduce the different methods of exposure or this generation of children are in danger of extinction!"

-Mary Tocco, international speaker, radio host and independent vaccine investigation www.childhoodshots.com

"The Natural Solutions Foundation, www.SaveMyLifeDrRima.com, strongly supports the declaration of National Toxic Encephalopathy and Chemical Injury Awareness Month. Injury from toxic chemicals is ubiquitous, but nearly ubiquitously ignored, overlooked, mis-diagnosed and, consequently under treated.

The problem is complex so the solutions are complex, as well. But the problem is so important that the solutions must come if we are to survive as a species and individually. Those solutions are educational, medical, legal and political. The consequences of inaction are intolerable.

-Rima Laibow, MD

"NTEF has been a great help in promoting labeling of GMO foods in Southern Nevada. They fight for the public's right to safe indoor environments. If it was not for NTEF, I would still have the smart meter on my house with the seizures, headaches, lack of focus, dizziness, and tinnitus that went with it. I now have a safe mechanical analog meter, am back to being healthy, thanks to the work NTEF continues to do against NVE and the PUC."

-Kiki Corbin, founder, Label GMO Nevada, a project of Grassroots Action Network, a 501c4

"Homeostasis can not be maintained by the chronic and intentional assault of toxic chemicals found in our environment that elicit their effects upon the brain." –NTEF

[1] http://www.national-toxic-encephalopathy-foundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/2013Proclamation.pdf

[2] http://www.national-toxic-encephalopathy-foundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/2013Awareness.pdf

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Angel De Fazio, BSAT, BCNHP
Title: President
Group: NTEF
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702.490.9677
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