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Merry Christmas used more than Happy Holidays in 2008
Don Crowther -- Social Media and Internet Marketing Expert Don Crowther -- Social Media and Internet Marketing Expert
Racine, WI
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas beats Happy Holidays in 2008
In the ongoing debate of whether to use the term "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" far more people chose to say "Christmas" than holidays this year.

In its fifth annual survey, www.GiftBasketsDeluxe.com, a major gift basket retailer, today announced the results of an analysis of holiday gift card messages sent through their company.

The 2008 study showed that 65% of all holiday gift baskets sent used the term "Christmas" as opposed to the more politically correct "holidays."

This is a stark reversal from last year's results. In 2007, 60% of gift basket givers chose holidays over Christmas. Christmas has beaten holidays for three out of the last five years of the study.

"The most interesting question is why the complete reversal from last years numbers," said Don Crowther, President of www.GiftBasketsDeluxe.com and www.Corporate-Gift-Baskets.com. "What we do know is that the U.S. was in the middle of a highly political discussion at this time in 2007, which may have increased people's political sensitivity at that time. Perhaps the conclusion of election and the current economic hard times are causing people to return to the comforts created by holiday traditions."

This type of data is more accurate than traditional poll data, because it reports what people actually do, rather than what they tell pollsters they do.

This study includes gift baskets ordered between November 25th and December 23, 2008.

www.GiftBasketsDeluxe.com and www.Corporate-Gift-Baskets.com are websites for a privately-held company that specializes in providing unique, distinctive gift baskets that people use and remember long after the gift is received.
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