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Millions Ready for More Love as New Year Begins: Help with a Tricky Resolution from Dr. Tammi, Accomplished Relationship Coach
Dr. Tammi B. Dr. Tammi B.
Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Learn to Find More Love at January 10 Tele-Summit with Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. and 25 other Relationship Experts

Emotional relationships with those closest to us, since they are the most important, can be the difficult to navigate and make successful, then add holiday stress and the result can be disastrous if not catastrophic.  On the opposite side Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D., author of Manifesting Love From The Inside Out, says that they are also the "richest opportunity we have to learn, grow and expand into our potential as spiritual beings having a human experience."  In the New Year everyone makes at least one resolution to get along better with family and close friends. 

On January 10 Dr. Tammi will be participating as a relationship expert in a global tele-summit, with 25 other top love, relationship, dating, and intimacy experts, put together by Michelle Marchant Johnson.  Click Here to register to attend this Tele-Summit, at no charge, and receive a nice gift from Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D.  and friends

""Relationships used to be a very confusing subject for me. When I was finally tired of the drama and ready to manifest a healthy happy relationship, I needed some support.  Thankfully I attracted angels seen and unseen to assist me on my journey.  I strongly believe when someone is ready to manifest something, sets a strong intention, and then asks for help, divine helpers are summoned.  Today my relationships are healthy, fun, loving and supportive. (Especially the one with my husband of 11½ years.) Now it is my greatest honor is to be a 'relationship helper' and assist those who are ready for it heal their relationships and/or attract the love of their life," says Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D.

Tammi invites you to the Free Tele-Summit: 

If you would like to increase your confidence, improve your communication, and get ready for an authentic heart-based partnership, all the participants are all confident you will receive immense value from this summit and these interviews. 

Spiritual Masters, and teachers of consciousness all agree, our lives are a direct reflection of our thoughts, faith, imaginings and beliefs.  If we do not deeply believe we deserve prosperity and wonderful things, we will not be able to manifest and sustain them.

So many people get angry and complain because they are not manifesting what they want. However, in order to make the shift from: not manifesting to manifesting; from striving to thriving: or from poverty to prosperity, we must take full responsibility for the reflection of our life.

A good analogy is the following:

When you look in a mirror, you see the reflection of your physical self.  And if you don't like what you see, you probably realize it would do no good to get mad, complain and draw all over the mirror with crayons and magic markers, in an attempt to change your physical self. You know you need to take responsibility for yourself, through nutrition and exercise, then the image in the mirror will "magically" change.

We all have the power to change our inner climate, which will improve our outer climate. This is when we start to become authentically empowered and prosperous human beings

The first step in doing this is accepting that you are responsible for your reality.

The second step is taking time to make friends with your inner reality.  We can do this through prayer, meditation, guided imagery and creativity.  Outer richness cannot exceed inner richness.  These activities have the power to help you cultivate a rich inner climate, so that things can start to be reflected back to you in a richer way in your life.

If you want support in cultivating a richer inner environment, look above and download a free manifesting report and guided meditation that can help you do just that.  If you have already downloaded the report and want to go deeper, purchase my #1 Amazon bestseller Manifesting Prosperity From the Inside Out."   This material can help you identify your blocks, remove them and open to graciously receive all Universe has in store just for you!

For media interviews with Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D. contact UniGlobal Media at brad@uniglobal.com.



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Name: Dr. Tammi B.
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 310-902-8935
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