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Monday Meditations With Richa
Richa Badami --- Transformation and Success for Life Richa Badami --- Transformation and Success for Life
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Last week I asked my students, clients, friends and family for feedback on an idea I've had for some time. I wanted to have everyone that wants to meditate converge at the same time every week to {pause} together and meditate. In order to get a better idea of where everyone was at in their meditation practice, I asked folks through a post on my Facebook page if they were already in a meditation practice to respond with "doin' it", if they wanted to meditate more to respond with "wanna" and if they didn't think meditation was for them then respond with "nevah"!

I was amazed at your response! I got back over 200 "wannas"!!! No "nevah" and a handful of "doin' it" and "doin' it but wanna do more regularly". So thanks to YOU I had my answer and knew exactly what to do next. Muchos gracias! Shukriya. Dhanyavaad! (All meaning thank you!)

Ask and you shall receive! Beginning Monday, March 2nd I will be presenting "Monday Meditations with Richa". You wanna do this....or if I can be slightly more intense that that, "You WANT me on this call, you NEED me on this call"! (Thanks for playing!)

Register right now and claim your pause at this link: http://webinarjam.net/webinar/go/14156/bea2097669

Why is this event so important? This is an opportunity for you to create a deliberate {pause} in your schedule. All you need to have is the willingness to join in and your computer. Worried because you are new to meditation? I assure you, there is no right or wrong to meditation. You are always met right where you are...it's really very simple.

This call will also be recorded, so if you miss it when we are live, the replay link will be emailed to you moments after we wrap up. So literally this is a win-win situation, isn't it? You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

On this call you will:

  • Get present to where you are now
  • Reset, renew and recharge yourself
  • Clear your mind of the clutter that is blocking you
  • Set your intentions for the day or week ahead
  • Simply Pause for Power
  • Receive a replay link within an hour of the live session
  • Join me and a worldwide audience in this free live weekly meditation. This is a limited time opportunity, so come and be a part of this energetic convergence!

I look forward to "meeting" you in our global meditation room! 

It's time to awaken, align and act,

Thanks for being on this journey with me.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richa Badami
Dateline: Ashburn, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-957-9797
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