Monday, December 19, 2022

By Holland Cooke

BLOCK ISLAND, RI — As most others exhale post-holidaze, I and some hundred thousand fellow techie nerds will tempo-up at CES, which we-the-media are admonished NOT to call the “Consumer Electronics Show,” for good reason.
Yes, the sprawling Las Vegas Convention Center sure will be a two MILLION square foot gadget-fest. But 300-some automotive exhibitors also make CES the biggest auto technology show in North America. And health tech is huge this year, post-pandemic, and with none of us getting any younger. And there’s lots of innovation to help feed the world, and support the environment. And new media competitors will surface.
Half of two thousand-plus exhibitors will be there for the first time, and many for the last time. They’re inventors, some showing-off prototypes for the kind of expert feedback only available in-person, unfiltered by press and retailers. They’re also hunting for investors, and “Shark Tank” will be there.
Daily radio updates, help yourself
I’m reporting from CES all week for TALKERS… and for you. I will be voicing daily 60-second radio reports for air Monday, January 2 through Friday, January 6. You can download them night-before at Air as many times on as many stations as you wish. No password, no further permission needed, no paperwork, no national commercial. If you can sell a local sponsorship, keep the money.
With SO much ground to cover, it’ll be all-business for your busy correspondent. But if you yourself happen to be there, thank me later for reminding you now: No matter what the dealer is showing, always-always split Aces and 8s. And, statistically, insurance is a sucker bet.

Holland Cooke ( is the author of “Multiply Your Podcast Subscribers, Without Buying Clicks,” available from Talkers books; and “Spot-On: Commercial Copy Points That Earned The Benjamins,” a FREE download; and the E-book and FREE on-air radio features “Inflation Hacks: Save Those Benjamins.” HC is a consultant working at the intersection of broadcasting and the Internet. Follow him on Twitter @HollandCooke

Tags: CES, consultant, Holland Cooke, Las Vegas, Monday Memo
Category: Advice