Home > NewsRelease > Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland, Reviewed by Bee Lindy of Bookpleasures.com
Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission on Cliches by Keith Hirshland, Reviewed by Bee Lindy of Bookpleasures.com
Norm Goldman --  BookPleasures.com Norm Goldman -- BookPleasures.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Montreal, Quebec
Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Bee Lindy

Bee Lindy has beenwriting book reviews since she was a child. Her notebooks are full ofreviews that she wrote before she had her first personal computer.

Before the advent ofthe Internet, Bee had her first personal computer, and has been savingreviews on computer files ever since.

Her first reviewsappeared in her high school and college news papers many moons ago.

More recently she haswritten reviews as a guest reviewer on various book blogs.

Professionally, she isa fundraiser for various non-profit organizations which entails agreat deal of writing. Bee lives with her husband and two dogs.

View all articles by Bee Lindy

Author: Keith Hirshland

Publisher ?: ? BeaconPublishing Group

ISBN-10 ? : ?1961504030

ISBN-13 ? : ?978-1961504035

Detective MurphyMurphy, I'll lay my cards on the table. My name is Adalindis OrvalKatterwomp and I currently head the world-renowned Commission OnCliches. You can bet your boots I need your help.”

There is nothing MurphyMurphy enjoys more than spending time with his girlfriend. And thereis nothing he hates more than unnecessary redundancies. Unfortunatelyfor him, the case that he has to tackle in this book requires a lotmore of the latter and a lot less of the former.

Murphy's most recent case,concerning the band Serious Crisis, is being made into a movie inHollywood. Because of that, when this book begins, he is lounging onthe beach with his girlfriend, enjoying the sun and the sand.However, he soon gets a phone call from a man who says that he has acase for him. 

Adalindis Orval Katterwompis a member of the Commission on Cliches and he has a seriousproblem. One of their members has gone missing, along with his'sacred text'---that is, a tome filled with all of the cliches in theEnglish language. Katterwomp wants Murphy Murphy to track the manand the text) down, but it turns out that the man may not be thatinterested in being found. 

'Murphy Murphy and theCase of the Commission on Cliches,' is a hilarious rollick through aworld full of wordplay and mystery. Hirshland's writing is not onlyimpressive but heartfelt and, at times, really touching. 

While reading this book, Ifound myself rooting for Murphy as a character and I really enjoyedhis relationship with his girlfriend, Charlie. Their interactionswere probably my favorite part of the book. 

I had a great time readingthis, and loved the main mystery and the resolution. I definitely didnot see the ending coming, and I have been reading mystery storiesfor a long time! The twist in this story was definitely one that tookme off guard. 

Five wordplay stars forthis stellar novel! 

About Keith Hirshland

Award winning author,Keith Hirshland is an Emmy Award–winning sports television producerwith more than three decades of experience producing shows that airedon ESPN and ESPN2. Among the first forty people to be hired by theGolf Channel in 1994.

Cover Me Boys, I’m GoingIn: Tales of the Tube from a Broadcast Brat is a memoir abouthis experiences in the television industry. It was recognized as Booktalk Radio Clubs Memoir of the Year. Big Flies, his first mysterynovel, was published in 2016 and is the recipient of the New AppleAwards “Solo Medalist Award. His fourth book was Murphy Murphyand the Case of Serious Crisis, published by Beacon Publishing Groupin 2020. Murphy Murphy was named Book talk Radio Club Bookof the Year. Murphy Murphy and the Case of the Commission onCliches is his sixth book.

?Hirshland lives inColorado with his wife, Sarah, and their two dogs. Please visit hiswebsite to find out more about Keith and his books.


I hate to dither but “aday in the life of Keith Hirshland” honestly does depend on theday. Most always it includes a morning dog walk on one of the dozensof hiking trails within 10 minutes of our Colorado Springs home. Wehave two wonderful pups, a 5-year-old Pyredoodle (a Great PyreneesPoodle mix) and a Bernese Mountain Dog so walking either, or both, isalways a fun time. 

Most days also includesome time dedicated to either writing, actually putting pen to paper,or thinking about writing. One of my favorite singer/songwriters fromthe 80’s, Dan Fogelberg once sang, “Seek inspiration in dailyaffairs” and I try to do that every day.

I am also still working inthe television sports broadcast industry so many of my days involvetravelling around the world and bringing some of the world’s bestgolfers into viewers’ living rooms. Those days are very timeconsuming, between preparing for and actually televising the event,so those days don’t include either a dog walk or time spent on mywriting work. I am extremely lucky to have a rich life and I try tolive it to the fullest every day. 

© Keith Hirshland 

 Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com

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Name: Norm Goldman
Title: Book Reviewer
Group: bookpleasures.com
Dateline: Montreal, QC Canada
Direct Phone: 514-486-8018
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