Home > NewsRelease > Music City Community Chorus Announces Auditions For Spring Season
Music City Community Chorus Announces Auditions For Spring Season
Renee Grant-Williams -- Communication Skill Training Expert Renee Grant-Williams -- Communication Skill Training Expert
Nashville, TN
Monday, July 20, 2009


Director Renee Grant-Williams is currently holding auditions for the spring concert season of the Music City Community Chorus.  MC3 is a non-profit, broad-based, volunteer performing chorus now in its fourth year in Nashville.  The repertoire is primarily classical choral works in the tradition of the great composers.


The Music City Community Chorus gives singers at all levels the opportunity to participate in challenging choral performances.  Auditions and rehearsals are structured to accommodate those who are motivated to acquire music skills as well as those who are already skilled at reading music.  Grant-Williams is currently scheduling auditions, which will run through March.


"There are many fine musicians and singers in Nashville who may never have had a chance to experience music from a classical perspective," says Grant-Williams.  "Our organization provides them the opportunity to participate in performances that are polished to precision.  The diverse make-up of this group brings popular music to the realm of the classical music lover."


The spring concert will pair Joseph Haydn's oratorio The Seasons with The Seasonings by PDQ Bach which is a parody loosely based on The Seasons.  PDQ Bach is the alter ego of humorist composer Peter Schickele.  Past performances have included works by Bach, Beethoven, Bernstein, Britten, Poulenc, Rossini, Verdi and Vivaldi.


MC3 rehearses at Glencliff High School, 160 Antioch Pike, on Monday evenings 7 – 9:30 pm.  To arrange an audition, call 244-3280.  Information: www.MusicCityCommunityChorus.org

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