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Music for Peace – A Call for Love in Action
Geela Parish Geela Parish
Westlake Village, CA
Thursday, January 22, 2009



818) 597-0574

Music for Peace ? A Call for Love in Action


Yes We Can! We are the change! We?ve built it and now we hope you too will come.

Today?s unprecedented global problems can?t be solved through conventional remedies or by governments alone. Creative solutions including social activism and the involvement of influential people, who are willing to leverage their powerful influence to raise global consciousness, is needed to effectively address critical issues confronting us all today regardless of financial status, religion or ethnicity. It is this perspective that has led Geela Parish, a visionary social entrepreneur, to write a beautiful, soul-stirring song with a powerful message of unity, healing and hope called For the Love of God https://www.youtube.com/user/GeelaParish) which was also recorded by legendary singer Patti Labelle. The song is used as a tool to bring attention to a life-changing movement/humanitarian effort also created by Geela Women Transforming the World (www.womentransformingtheworld.com). It?s guided by the belief that as cradles of life, and effective agents of change, women offer the best hope for transforming the world.

?I believe that the only real solution to the growing conflicts around the world is the urgent need to find a common ground as a basis for people to come together. This also means the recognition that we?re united by our mutual love for God and the spirit that connects us all,? says Geela who was recently invited as a guest of honor to attend a historic peace event; the International Peace Summit at the Ara Pacis in Rome, Italy with the Pope and heads of states.

Big ideas need big partners who share our passion for changing the world. We?re looking for additional celebrities and anyone in a position to be instrumental in helping us increase awareness for this urgently needed movement, which is supported by a solid infrastructure. Collaboration includes participation in a special compilation and occasional joint appearances on top media outlets and special events. This is a great opportunity to answer Obama?s call for social activism, unity and healing while being part of the solution, enjoy free publicity, enhance your positive image, fulfill your purpose and experience the greatest joy that comes from making a meaningful difference as best expressed by Rev. Martin Luther King ??An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.? Please help us to help heal and regenerate America and the world!

Geela Parish is an extraordinary social entrepreneur who uses her passion and talents to transform lives with the focus on promoting a culture of peace. She is an accomplished singer, songwriter, author, writer with many awards, founder of a nonprofit organization, a co-founder of a media company, a dedicated peace advocate and a philanthropist who has worked closely with many celebrities.

?Geela?s music is truly special, inspirational and timely. ASCAP is very proud to have such a unique artist as its member. I sincerely hope Geela shares her message of hope with the rest of the world as well.? - Todd Brabec, Executive Director of ASCAP
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Geela Parish
Title: Founder
Group: Global Vision Media
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-597-0574
Main Phone: (818) 851-9958
Cell Phone: (818) 274-2354
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