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My 12 Best Sales Tactics
Craig Elias -- Trigger Event Selling Expert Craig Elias -- Trigger Event Selling Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Calgary, Alberta
Sunday, November 18, 2018


Whenever I work with companies on how to be first-in, on the most profitable opportunities, they inevitably ask me “What are the best tactics to make that happen?”

Over the last 10 years, I’ve created 12 highly effective tactics.

I normally reserve these tactics for my keynote speeches and sales training customers but over the next 12 months, I’m going to share them with my readers.

My plan is to publish one the second Tuesday of each month – so you have enough time to use them that month.

But before I start that series of blog posts I need to finish the last 2 items rom my countdown of the top seven ways to apply Google’s Zero Moment Of Truth (ZMOT) to B2B Selling.

In case you haven’t seen them already, here are the first five:

#2 Ask the Best Questions

Julien Gordon once said

How far with the right answers to the wrong questions get you.

The #2 ZMOT Selling Strategy is to do the best analysis to understand the Stimuli that create the Zero Moment of Truth for what you sell.

Here are the questions I suggest you ask when you win a sale.

  1. What stimuli created the opportunity. This question typically tells you which event gave them the time to look at what you sell or the money to buy it.
  2. When did it/they happen? This question typically tells you what made them want to do something different.
  3. What made you choose us? Listen for the verbs customers use to describe the outcome they got from being your customer. Once you know what they are you can use that info as part of your emails and voicemails.
  4. How can we make it easier to be our customer?

#1 Focus on The Best Prospects

The #1 ZMOT Selling Strategy is to focus on the best prospects.

If I had to choose between the best activities on the wrong prospects or the wrong activities on the best prospects, I would always choose the latter.

The best prospects are those who have, or will soon have, Money, Authority, and Influence that you have something in common with. them so you can become their

Having things in common helps to you become their Emotional Favourite.

This is based upon a term called Propinquity.

In social psychology, propinquity refers to the physical or psychological proximity between people and is one of the main factors leading to interpersonal attraction.

Some of the things you can have in common with a prospect are:

  • Demographics – Are you similar in age, family status, income. E.g You both are divorced or have two children
  • Geographics – Where do / did you live, work, play or learn. E.g. You both went to the same college or university
  • Psychographics – Do you have common interests, values, aspirations. E.g. You both like mounting biking, are involved in the same church, or volunteer for the same cause.

I discuss this and more in a webinar I did that part of the Social Selling Summit titled BEAT YOUR COMPETITION To The Punch (YouTube video – no registration required).

In that 25-minute session I share how to use Social Selling to accomplish the three most important things in sales:

  1. Be First
  2. Be Preferred
  3. Be Chosen

If you want to learn more about being the preferred vendor watch this 2-minute video on what is called the Johari Window.

I look forward to learning what questions and comments you have over the next 12 months.

Have an ‘eventful’ month!

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Craig Elias
Group: Shift Selling, Inc.
Dateline: Calgary, AB Canada
Direct Phone: +1.403.874.2998
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