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My book; Food Safety is First
Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert
Bowie, MD
Saturday, November 12, 2016


An excellent reason for this book is to provide specific / informative ideas and guidelines for all us (those) with Food Safety and Protection problems, no matter where our positions are in the food supply chain.  Food Protection is an issue that must be addressed by every culture and society in order to prevent  foodborne illness and disease.  Foodborne illness and disease can affect or impact everyone's life at some time, no matter who we are and where we may live.  Food is acknowledged to be  the best diplomatic tool in use worldwide.

Therefore Food Safety and Protection is everybody's business and it is a universal public health problem we all face everyday.  I hope that the messages in this book can reach every household in these United States and everywhere else possible.

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Name: Varney Kanneh
Title: Author/Writer
Dateline: Bowie, MD United States
Direct Phone: (240) 206-9313
Cell Phone: (240) 893-9401
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