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My new book on Food Safety and Protection
Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert Writer & Author
Bowie, MD
Friday, April 27, 2018


"Food Safety is First," is a very important book in our lives every where; this can include as a needed hand manual in our individual homes and  businesses with food services operations.  Food Safety practices are also essential to all national governments, for citizen protection and for a secured and pleasant relationship with other nations.  Food that is good, safe and protected is the best diplomatic tool for all nations. Please take a note on events taking place in Washinmgton D.C. this week with France and Germany; at those State Dinners where food will play very important roles.  "Food Safety is First," is the tittle of my new book for all of us. 


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Name: Varney Kanneh
Title: Author/Writer
Dateline: Bowie, MD United States
Direct Phone: (240) 206-9313
Cell Phone: (240) 893-9401
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