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NALC statement on DeJoy’s exit from USPS
National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Monday, March 24, 2025


NALC statement on DeJoy’s exit from USPS

NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement regarding Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's exit from the Postal Service: 

Today was Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's last day at the Postal Service. During his tenure, NALC worked in good faith with DeJoy on behalf of our 295,000 active and retired members.

The USPS Board of Governors' search for a new leader of the agency comes at a critical time for letter carriers and everyone who depends on our service.

The next postmaster general must continue modernizing and investing in USPS' infrastructure while maintaining quality universal service funded by postage, not taxpayer dollars.

They must value and empower the 640,000 Postal Service employees, 73,000 of whom are veterans, who serve the American people.

They must work in good faith with NALC, our sister unions and other stakeholders to get necessary retirement fund investment and accounting policy changes done in Congress. 

Finally, the next postmaster general must fundamentally believe in the agency as a public service and be committed to guaranteeing the universal service Americans rely on.

NALC urges the board to seek out a candidate who meets these criteria. The future of the Postal Service is on the line, and choosing someone with innovative ideas and appreciation for our Constitutionally mandated service is essential.

NALC stands ready to work with whoever the board selects as the next postmaster general. We will fight like hell to ensure our members' perspectives and experiences are considered when the next postmaster general makes decisions that affect letter carriers' working lives.

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Name: Philip Dine
Title: Director of Public Relations
Group: National Association of Letter Carriers(AFL-CIO)
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-662-2489
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