Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Domestic violence in the NFL is prominent in today's headlines. It appears like every day another new story is coming out on a wife or child abuse incident involving an NFL player. Unfortunately, it is not a new story! Domestic violence and related incidents rank among the NFL's biggest off-the-field problems, with 87 arrests involving 80 players over the last 14 years. And while it is not unique to the NFL, they are the ones currently dealing with it.
There are many reasons that this may be occurring ranging from deeply-rooted behavioral problems, to an abundance of testosterone in an industry that by its very nature promotes aggressive behavior. While there is widespread agreement that something must be done, no one can agree on what that something should be. The reality is that the player wants to continue playing. His family wants him to continue playing. The team wants him to continue playing, but is concerned about the message they send and does not want to appear to tolerate such actions. And there is an enormous cost associated with the education and training needed to eliminate these ugly and dangerous behaviors.
There are many possible solutions that have been mentioned including grassroots activity, a six-game suspension for a first offense and a lifetime ban from the league for a second offense, a panel of women to help the NFL draft a new policy, training for players, etc. These are all good ideas and many of them should be implemented, but the problem is that these solutions do not satisfy everyone. Everyone has opinion on what the NFL should do including banning perpetrators from football for life; suspending them for an entire season and giving them an opportunity to change; leaving it alone as this is a "private matter", the league has no right to get involved in a player's personal life; and lastly that the player signed a contract that specifically includes outlined actions that constitute "improper representation" of the league and that the player is legally bound to avoid these specific negative actions. Suspension for life deprives the player's family of income and since they are already the victim, it just adds to their pain.
Perhaps there is a solution that can satisfy everyone. Timothy A. Dimoff, a high-risk violence expert offers a more pro-active solution and punishment that may work. He suggests suspending the player for a specific amount of games and/or seasons but then allowing them to come back, after completing sensitivity and anger management training, at the agreed upon completion of suspension but with one huge stipulation….they now play for 25% of their original contracted salary for the rest of their career! Hit them in the pocket that will get their attention. The balance of their salary will then be put into a fund for domestic violence education and training to be overseen by a review panel consisting of both the NFL, domestic violence experts, psychologists, etc. This turns the negative into a positive! They still get to play. The team doesn't lose a valuable player. The player's family still has an income. It sends a strong message that this type of behavior won't be tolerated! And it is a solution that can be used by the NFL as well as other professional sports. How about it NFL…are you game?
Timothy A. Dimoff is available for interviews.
About Timothy A. Dimoff, CPP
Timothy A. Dimoff, CPP is founder and president of SACS Consulting and Investigative Services, Inc. a high risk security firm that specializes in security and vulnerability assessments and workplace violence issues. Corporate headquarters is located at Canal Place, Suite 2516, 520 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44311. Telephone: 330-255-1101. Website: